Title: Breast is NOT best - when it comes to IQ
Author: ANGEL
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Past studies have suggested children have higher IQ if they're breastfed Scientists at Goldsmith's University in London foun...

  • Past studies have suggested children have higher IQ if they're breastfed
  • Scientists at Goldsmith's University in London found no substantial link between breastfeeding and early life intelligence, after monitoring more than 11,000 children born from 1994 to 1996 and testing their IQ
  • Researchers, who have been working on the project for more than 19 years, discovered both groups - those who were breastfed and those bottle fed, had the same average IQ throughout the process

Source : Children who are breastfed 'are no more intelligent than those who are bottle fed'


But what will the breast is best brigade make mothers feel guilty about next??!!

Bernie-22, B_R_I_S_T_O_L
I'm not surprised at these findings as intelligence is clearly NOT just down to the way a Mother feeds her Baby. Genetics play a part, where a person lives & also how much effort Parents put into raising,teaching & guiding their child.

caterine, Frankfurt, Germany
Finally I don't need to be ashamed anymore that my three children were not breastfed.

 → wiseandwonderful, Venus, United Kingdom
You should never have been ashamed anyway. I don't believe there's any difference between breast or formula.

 → libertymom, West Chester, United States
wiseandwonderful--no difference? There are no antibodies in formula. Formula has MSG and GMOs as well. Now I had to formula feed my oldest as he would NOT breastfeed. I don't think there is any shame in using formula if need be. The important thing is that your baby eats. BUT there is no question that breast is best! If all your child eats is mac and cheese and chicken nuggets then that is what you feed them---but it would be BEST if they ate broccoli and carrots. It is the same with breastfeeding vs. formula--formula will never change in composition to meet the child's nutritional and immunity needs like breast milk does.

jj75, London
I have a 4 week old son that I am breastfeeding, however this is due to health and bonding benefits, I don't believe for a second he will be more intelligent because of it. His intellect will benefit from the reading, writing and effort as parents we will be putting in every day for the next 16 years.

vivalasense, outerspace, Canada
I was not breast fed, actually had to have soy formula due to a dairy allergy. I have an IQ of 152. Just saying, doesn't really matter what babies eat as long as it has enough vitamins and fat for brain development.

 → Cassandra2, Seattle, United States
Bolstering immune systems can be helpful, though. I score even higher than you, but I'm always in the hospital so it does me little good. Both of us, however, are commuting logical fallacies of ridiculous proportions if we draw single chain conclusions that breast feeding, or the lack thereof, is to blame.

schmoops, michigan usa
My daughter in law had no milk. Nurses in hospital hounded her to keep trying and baby lost 14 ounces in one day. Her mom had it out with them until they relented and supplied a bottle. I couldn't believe the psychological pressure to breastfeed that's developed since I had my kids. Scary, actually.

Elisabeth, Paris, France
I breastfed because it was easiest and natural. Every mother is different. A mother happy to feed her baby in a loving and relaxed way is best! Intelligence comes from genes and mental stimulation rather than milk!

TBitt, St. Francis, United States
My daughter was never breast fed a day in her life and as a senior in high school, she has been on the high honor roll from the day she started getting graded in school. She is taking 4 AP classes right now and is applying to colleges. I have been saying for years that breastfed babies are no smarter than babies that aren't.

VeryMetal, Indiana, United States
We didn't breastfeed for intelligence, we did it for health.

Pentaghast, Birmingham, United States
At the end of the day, as long as the baby is fed and is happy (as well as the mom), why does it matter? If you bottle feed your child, good for you! If you breast feed your child, good for you!

FNP1, West Palm Beach, United States
Finally some POSITIVE news about the bottle! I was devastated that I was unable to nurse my 4 pound preemie and live with this haunting guilt that I've damaged her current & future health. Let's just say that the breast feeding moms of this world can be less than kind to non-breastfeeders. Believe it or not, its not always possible to breastfeed - and I worked with experts & tried every method, trick, tip known to medical science. The die-hards still browbeat me because I didn't buy breastmilk from another mother. (I guess I was too busy spending 24/7 in the NICU) Oh well! I feel slightly better hearing about this study!

aireview, Dublin, Ireland
Breastfeeding is not for every woman for a variety of reasons. Time to stop the guilt trip of not breastfeeding. There are plenty of other ways IQ may be enhanced. My son was not breastfed and is very successful in his career, as well as being in the top 10% of his class at school.

FallingStar, Evening Sky, United States
I am more than perfectly happy with my two bottle fed healthy, bright, and beautiful babies who are now adults with families of their own. Both were honor students, high school and college, both have great well paid jobs, and both now have healthy, bright, and beautiful children of their own. Some of the weirdest people I know have higher Than average IQs, and they aren't necessarily well adjusted. I put bottle/breastfeed down entirely to the preferences and do not actually give these write ups much credibility. You do your thing and I'll do mine. There's always going to be someone smarter than your darling child so stop fussing about it.

PB, Atlanta
People with common sense have known this for years. It's just been the breast feeding community pushing these false claims

boring old sameold, lille, France
The Breastapo will not love this piece of research.

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