Title: Mass Shooting At Umpqua Community College In Oregon, 10 Reported Dead
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Ten people were killed and seven were wounded Thursday in a shooting at a small community college in Roseburg, Oregon. Chris Harper-M...

  • Ten people were killed and seven were wounded Thursday in a shooting at a small community college in Roseburg, Oregon.
  • Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, has been identified as the gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon 
  • Harper-Mercer said he was 'mixed race,' a 'conservative Republican,' 'not religious,' and 'living with parents' 
  • He killed 10 and wounded at least seven, and just three days prior he had downloaded This World Surviving Sandy Hook BBC Documentary 2015 according to his profile on a website community 
  • Killer with British father died in gunfight with police and had four guns - three pistols and one rifle and bodyarmour

Source : huffingtonpost


Mar Wilson
10-15 DEAD! Dear heaven, folks! How much more of this are we going to take before we scream for stricter gun control laws? I'm so sick of these headlines and I'm so sick of grieving for these poor families! We are such a sick society and it's made worse by this constant rancor from our presidential candidates and our Congress!

Ralph Brown
I've said it before. If piles of dead first graders did not inspire our soulless, heartless Congress to act, then nothing will. Sad that it's true.

Ken Seeber
The National Rifle Association and Fox News would like you all to know that it's "too soon" to talk about gun violance.

Hal Ninek ·
When you can show me a mass shooting that occurred without a gun, then I will be convinced that guns are not actually part of the problem.

Matt Rich ·
Who needs gun control, when you have all these "good guys" with guns stopping daily murderouse rampages. It's a good thing the NRA has our best interests in mind when it comes to guns, just like going to olive garden for cooking advice.

Hank Cunningham
Thanks, once again to politicians owned by the NRA, enjoy your money while others reap pain and death.

William Pennat ·
Meanwhile, the Republican Congress focuses intently on defunding Planned Parenthood instead of implementing badly needed strict Federal regulations on firearms. An expert on the subject a while back noted that some shooter would have to do his thing on Congress before they'd even begin to consider the needed legislation....

Jennifer Burnett
It's so much fun to read this at work, when you work at a college.

Marc Gelderblom
Go back to sleep America, you do not have a gun problem.

Chris Scott
Just ridiculous. Gun Reform now!!!!

Lek Domni
Where are our congresspeople? Oh yeah, standing in line to get their palms greased by the NRA. I forgot.

Barry A. Hyman
10+ murdered with a gun, NOT A BAT, NOT A KNIFE, NOT A FORK, NOT WATER

Andrew Friedman
Forget stricter gun laws! TAKE AWAY THE GUNS AND REPEAL THE SECOND AMMENDMENT! The time for this has passed and each second drips on like the blood of the innocents.

Louise Mast
I must admit I do not understand. I am 66 and people, mostly rural had guns, but guns were a large part of our society back in the 50's and onward up to this date.
You did not hear back in my day about mass shootings, not like what has been happening lately. What has changed from my time to Columbine, Sandyhook and now? It is just not the guns, something has changed the dynamics in our society and that is what I think has to be addressed.

Rita Shapiro
It's a simple equation: more guns=more gun violence. By encouraging everyone to be armed to the teeth, we are guaranteeing that many more people will be shot to death, one way or another. So-called "good guys" don't always prevail, and those we assume to be good guys (such as police officers) can easily turn out to NOT be. Doing nothing is not a valid response to this, but doing nothing is all that this congress seems to be capable of.

Victor Gamoneda
But aren't Islamic terrorism, immigration, gay people, and black people the greatest threat to America???
I'm confused.

Christoph Jaeckle
semi-automatic guns (which nearly every pistol is) have been relatively easy to acquire and possess since the early 1900s. In fact: until the 1960s you could mail order firearms and there was no background check system. However: I do not recall school shootings being a problem in the US during all those decades. so the answer / solution might be a bit more complex than just blaming "guns"

Jerry Spivack
Keep moving along's just another mass shooting in 'murica...

Daryl Schoneberg
Of course the ammosexuals are going to spin this as being caused by gun control, instead of a lack of it...because we know that mass shootings NEVER happen where "good guys" are allowed to walk around strapped.

Rhonda Roots Barlow
How many shootings have to occur before we say enough? Is it too soon to talk about gun control now? Can we talk about background checks now? When exactly will be good time GOP/NRA? I am ready anytime.

Ralph Thoth
Everyday in the US, 300 people are shot. Every month, on average, there are 5 shootings at schools. What are you going to hear? Stricter laws won't work because criminals don't obey laws. Don't do anything now out of respect for the killed and wounded. Arm everybody. Put an armed guard everywhere. Don't look at countries like Britian, Japan or Australia - just because their gun laws work doesn't mean they will work here. Blah, Blah Blah.
The only solution is fewer guns.

Eileen Left
The US's annual gun homicide rate is triple that of any other wealthy nation. The disproportionate share of gun violence is due to the prevalence of firearms in the US. The next time someone tries to tell you the Left is coming for your guns, laugh in their face. Guns laws only go in one direction in this country regardless of how many kids get shot in school. Clear evidence of how powerful lobbying groups (NRA) always get their way in our so called democracy.

Stephanie Georgieff
I feel so safe now, thank you second ammendment, and thanks to the families of those who have been slain for your sacrifice so we can all feel safer knowing any angry insane person with a grudge will kill innocent people in places like churches, temples, synagogues, movie theaters and shopping malls so we can all have as many guns as we want

Michael Clear
Mericans love their guns, their murders and their second amendment. The ones without brains, anyway.

Ralph Brown
to the people who keep saying "criminals don't follow laws", you're only giving another reason why we should have zero guns. let's melt them all down and make something useful out of them.

Sid Viscuous
Guns kill. Guns kill. Guns kill. The NRA is a domestic terrorist group using fear and propaganda to support the rights of murderers to kill as efficiently as possible.

Michael Laurence Nelson
Help me out again...was this a good guy with a gun...or a bad guy with a gun? Was he first a good guy and then turned bad?

Susan K Smith
I was watching "Skye", a British News Station, when the Breaking News of this most recent shooting was announced. After reporting the details that were known at the time, there was was a slight pause ..... As if the reporter was contemplating on what to say next. She decided on .... "The US sure has a problem on their hands, don't they?"
What more can be said?

Ian Blake
Until gun control advocates start getting more radical and in your face about going after the gun humpers, we'll keep playing catch up. We should be treating gun stores like the fetus worshipers do abortion clinics. Stand outside of them with pictures of corpses and harass their customers. At the very least, the gun lobby will try to create buffer zones and we can use that to protect clinics.

ETA: The first target should be the Cabela's that sold Dylann Roof his gun. That store should be ground zero for protesters.

Erik Klingenberg
Another horrible crime to lay upon the NRA's doorstep and the congressmen they have bought and own...when will America wake up? How many more must die?

Michael Robinson · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The NRA is the largest money donator to the Republican talks and children die.

Patrick Adkins
The false propheteer$ still bathing in the blood of some of our young and brightest

Elizabeth Lewis · Texas High School
While the U.S. has 5% of the world's population, it had 31% of all public mass shootings.

Thea Verment
Conservatives believe that it is impossible to do anything about gun laws, that there are too many out there to do anything about. Yet, they believe that rounding up all the undocumented workers in the U.S. and sending them back to where they came from, while building a wall across the boarder, is easily "doable".

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