Title: Their Royal Heilnesses - Queen's Nazi salute a sign of ignorance shared
Author: ANGEL
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British public reacts with fury after tabloid publishes 80-year-old pictures of the seven-year-old Queen and the Queen Mother being tau...
  • British public reacts with fury after tabloid publishes 80-year-old pictures of the seven-year-old Queen and the Queen Mother being taught a Nazi salute 
  • 1933 video shows future King, Elizabeth and Princess Margaret at Balmoral
  • Footage has emerged of the Queen being taught Nazi salute by Edward VIII
  • The Queen Mother is also in archive footage, taken as Hitler rose to power 

Source : Their Royal Heilnesses

The shocking 17-second clip of the Royal family playing on the lawns at Balmoral, shows Edward VIII (right), the Queen Mother (left), Queen Elizabeth (centre left) aged seven, and her three year old sister Princess Margaret (centre right) performing the salute

The English football team performing a Nazi salute in May 1936, in Berlin's Olympic Stadium, before a friendly game with Germany

Netizens comment

No one knew in 1933 just how bad it would get

Caroline, Mexico City, Mexico
This made me chuckle. "Gooooooooooooo Royals!!"

The Hovis Trader, Halesworth
I bet half the population don't even realise the royal families nationality and lineage, ExPat, Australia
Yet again, this proves that Wallis Simpson did our nation a favour!! This reflects badly on Edward VIII, not on our Queen.

Me, Here, United Kingdom
Yes, well, the Duke of Windsor would, wouldn't he? He was a known nazi sympathiser. Doesn't mean the Queen was ever one.

The Chinster, Manchester, United Kingdom
Pretty shoddy by The Sun this. Nobody knew Hitlers true intentions then, or what he was really like.

bethechange15, Glasgow, United Kingdom
A 7 year old Queen in 1933 would have very little idea about nazism or what a war that started 6 years later would bring.

DD 404, London, United Kingdom
Well they are German. People just like to ignore the fact.

GUScot95, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Newspapers should have the freedom to publish such pictures though

Ms Roberts, London, United Kingdom
Hitler was friendly with Edward and Mrs Simpson.

dog-lover, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Oh dear, I'm sure the palace spokespeople will be working overtime tonight.

Deadpool, London, United Kingdom
She was a child - her father and mother were NOT.

CSP, Toronto, Canada
Picture is like gold! I wonder who had this treasure hidden for so many years.

Spitfire99, CALI
It's good that this was released. It shows honesty and transparency. And no one knew in 1933 how Nazi Germany would progress in the next four to five years, so nothing can be inferred politically. It's a snapshot of a poignant moment in time---that's all.

sam, Kensington, United Kingdom
The inconvenient truth

Sir Biggles, New York, United States
The Queen is innocent. The Queen Mother though is quite interesting considering all of her bile towards Hitler and Edward VIII later on. Surely she knew what was going on there.

 → Tabbycat2, Birmingham, United Kingdom
They had profitable shares in the German armaments firm that made the guns used to kill British soldiers.

 → Skynet5, Stockton
Didn't know so many people in the US were behind Tony Blair Muyor. I remember all that crap that they spout about a "leader of the free world" and one article claiming at the height of the Iraq war it was Tony Blair! After shining light Bush had shirked the role...

sam, Kensington, United Kingdom
The Royals can no wrong in some people's eyes. There always be some kind of justification

bea, Melbourne
I seem to recall at a similar age, playfully imitating the salute. It was a mockery of the Nazi's. I'm amazed the DM bothered to publish such rubbish. You really do love to stir up hatred, don't you. Won't be reading your rag again. You've lost at least one reader.

Camilla Trond, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Why does this come as a surprise to anyone ? Princess Diana was right all along. I am still waiting for the footage of her assassination in the Alma tunnel. The Queen has a copy, you better believe it.

 → exhelot, Roscommon, United States, 2 months ago
If Diana was at home with her children instead of flitting around Paris with her lover she may not have been "assassinated". Weird how people proclaim disdain for the royals yet are gob smacked over 'Princess' Diana. The term 'Princess' surely smacks of royal worship to me.

Jean Fourneau, Braine-le-Comte, Belgium, 2 months ago
This is the most abject form of 'journalism' and the guy should be bared for ever entering any of the Commonwealh stories and is rag of a newspaper forbidden for ever too !
The most abject form of journalism ! The guy should be forbidden to enter the UK for ever and his nasty newspaper should as well be banned for ever !

nickymac, liverpool, United Kingdom
That is not a wave !!! Come on people...

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