- Missile that can destroy an AIRCRAFT CARRIER 'with one hit': China displays its ever-growing might to mark Japan's WWII defeat
- 12,000 troops, hundreds of tanks... and missiles rolled through Tiananmen Square in Beijing in an ostentatious display to the world
- But barricades were set up hundreds of metres from the parade and police blocked access to the deserted streets
- China unveils the Dongfeng-21D for first time - its much-feared anti-ship ballistic missile
Source : daily mail
Netizens comment
Stickybob, Croydon. UK
Beware of the sleeping dragon, as when he wakes the earth will shake......Winston Churchill.
Spinning cat, Beijing, China
For once in your lifetime please throw away your daily nasty ignorant "I hate China" comment. This is not about threatening the west, this is not about the UK or the USA, this is not even about Japan. This is about the 1.5 million soldiers we lost in World WarII and many more unaccounted civilians who fought for our freedom and independence. This is the first time ever China properly celebrate the victory of World War II and we damn well DESERVE a celebration! Both my grandfathers fought in that war and I got tears in my eyes watching this. So DM, aside from referring proper security measures as "locals are banned to watch", please, just for once, respect a country that had lost too much 70 years ago. For as I recall, we were on the same side of this war.
→ CD64, Nowhere, United States, 2 weeks ago
Umm China knows that US nuclear warheads defeated Japan. That being said the Japanese did awful things during the war.
→ justsceptical, London, United Kingdom
Are you some sort of nut? I don't recall the divided Chinese armies making much of an impression on the Japanese. They were too busy fighting each other. Other countries lost a lot too mate. In fact Poland lost proportionately more than any other nation. How many did Mao kill? About 60 million I believe. More than the dastardly Japanese.
→ CD64, Nowhere, United States, 2 weeks ago
Each time you guys went up against Japan your navies failed.
ten33, London, United Kingdom
Some of the commentators seem to be forgetting that Japan occupied China and were just as brutal to them as they were to captured Allied soldiers, so it's not entirely surprising they have a celebration marking Japan's surrender.
doodledoodleboy, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
I watched the parade with a Chinese family, and it was awesome. Perhaps people need to remember that China refused to surrender to the Japanese, and kept a third of the Japanese armed forces engaged, preventing them from being diverted to fight other Alloed forces.
→ thatmanagain, London, United Kingdom
You seem to be working on the idea that there was a single country called China, there wasn¿t. China wasn¿t unified enough to surrender. Besides they spent most of their time fighting among themselves, or hiding from each other, and of course killing each other just as barbarically as the Japanese would have done.
Benny, London
Meanwhile, in the UK we have the parade of our own fearsome armed forces which now consist of three blokes and a regimental pet "Tiddles". I hear the fleet review will now include the latest lilo we have bought to replace the destroyers sold off.
kimking, Pyongyang, North Korea
The Chinese communist government is celebrating the victory of Japan's WWII defeat?? How ironic!! Before the war, those commies were almost completely wiped out by the legitimate government, so they used resistance to Japanese as an excuse to lure the legitimate government's army to change its priority, but those commies themselves almost had never fought against Japanese at all, instead they strengthened themselves and expanded their territory, then usurped power after the legitimate government's army made a great sacrifice during the war. In fact, Mao even expressed his thanks for Japanese's invasion in many occasions, the most infamous event was in 1972, Mao thanked Japan's prime minister Kakuei Tanaka to his face, he said without Japan's invasion, the CCP would never have a chance to take power, that's why he decided to give up all Japan's war reparations.
Putin probably sat there and planning a "my parade next year in red square will be bigger and better than yours"
Andy_hudds, Huddersfield
Some of those military vehicles look like they were designed on Minecraft
Nutbar, Auckland, New Zealand
I bet they'd like a crack at the Japanese.
Tom Acely, Des moines, United States
In 50 years China and Japan will still be China and Japan. In 50 years Europe will be Lebanon and America will be Brazil.
Potato land, summerwhere, United Kingdom
there were 2 million Japanese soldiers deployed in China during the WWII, 1.4 million after the Pearl harbour attack. With no China's involvement, all these soldiers would attack Russia from the north, Hawaii from the sea and India from the south. China paid 20 million lives for this contribution. Yet all these sad comments. What happened to this world we are living. Sad
Spinning cat, Beijing, China
For once in your lifetime please throw away your daily nasty ignorant "I hate China" comment. This is not about threatening the west, this is not about the UK or the USA, this is not even about Japan. This is about the 1.5 million soldiers we lost in World WarII and many more unaccounted civilians who fought for our freedom and independence. This is the first time ever China properly celebrate the victory of World War II and we damn well DESERVE a celebration! Both my grandfathers fought in that war and I got tears in my eyes watching this. So DM, aside from referring proper security measures as "locals are banned to watch", please, just for once, respect a country that had lost too much 70 years ago. For as I recall, we were on the same side of this war.
Anon, Ceres, British Indian Ocean Territory
If we done a full military parade it would last 15 minutes and be ambushed by hate preachers.
Athena Jin, seoul, South Korea
what do u mean by LOCALS ARE BANNED FROM WATCHING, people in china can watch it from TV, internet and some are even watch it on the spot, are your newsman always transfering this kind of error msg to your local people. this is either responsible nor professionable, do make corrections!!!
Roy IoW, Ryde
If locals were banned from watching the parade, then who were all the hundreds (or thousands) of people lining the route and watching ?
mdsdriver3, exeter
This year, the uk's military parade will be on a roundabout.
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