Title: 30 killed, 126 injured in Ankara bomb attacks - Turkey
Author: ANGEL
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Two explosions have ripped through a pro-Kurdish peace rally in the Turkish capital of Ankara, leaving multiple casualties. The Turki...

  • Two explosions have ripped through a pro-Kurdish peace rally in the Turkish capital of Ankara, leaving multiple casualties.
  • The Turkish ministry have confirmed that at least 30 people have been killed and 126 wounded in the blasts at 10.05am local time.

Source : Terrorist bomb rips through a crowd killing at least 30 people


No wonder... They are muslims, after all...

Just a matter of time before Islamists do the same here in Britain.

Molon Labe
If Islam is so great, then why is every country where it holds the majority a hellish nightmare that they are all trying to escape from?

Luke Ortiz
Interesting is it not...
Kurdish Rally in Turkey... ISIS Bombed it.
Anti War Rally... ISIS Bombs it.
Seems if you oppose the Turkish Government that ISIS attacks you....
Just a Coincidence right?

Barry O'Bummer
is obama sending money and troops there this morning?

Another moment of piece from The Cult of Pieces.

Sounds like ugly Muslim work to me.

To many People PERIOD. It was so different in the 50-60's everything was CHEAP. there were NO Credit cards. You bought what you could afford I could travel for Miles and not see a soul. That same area is Gone now those Miles are Filled with People Every Where. I won't miss it here when my time comes this WHOLE WORLD IS A JOKE NOW.

Judah 13
Turkish intelligence bombing it's citizens.

Anticleon 2
Turkey kills anyone who is against killing Kurdish civilians.

Bring the bombers to America! Show them how accepting and multicultural we are!

Kurds were killed. So now Turkey will start bombing Kurds.

Have Some Pie
What would really be news is a week without major Muslim killing events.

Michael Nonya
Wow, really savage move, who ever did it. Targeting the neutral folks who want both sides to live?? That's just low and despicable.

Only in worthless Islamisstan do you have bombers blowing up a peace rally. LOL

Can we with confidence guess that mohammedans were involved?
Hurry, make our politicians import more of these great, peaceful & noble peoples!

This is how peace looks like in the Middle east. Open your eyes dumb Europeans.

Turkey the Muslim Brotherhood country. the exporter and supporter of ISIS terrorist. of cause this Islamic country will blow up. Islamist are problem everywhere.

Since Islamic dictator Erdogan and his allies are arming and aiding Islamic thugs and terrorists making chaos and wars in Syria and slaughtering Kurds and leading Turkey into a civil war, the Turkish people or Kurds should overthrow the dictator Erdogan and his allies from the power. If Erdogan keeps in power, the Kurds may start a civil war to chase an independent nation and other nations should support Kurds as Turkey help the so-called Syria rebels in Syria. Fair play, right?

Religion=No Peace

 → Michael
wrong...Muslims = murder

Just 2 Make U Think
Out of the 200,000 Syrian welfare cases Obama is letting immigration bring in , I just wonder how many times we'll be watching the news seeing it was a Syrian Refugee that's actually a fleeing ISIL terrorist, bombing RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLE U.S.A. ? YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE ITS GOING TO HAPPEN, WAY TO HOLD UP THAT OATH TO PROTECT AND DEFEND ODUMBO

Don'T Read This
Wake up people, heed the clarion call before it is too late for you children.

Europe's justice for not helping America! How's that peace and change that Obama sold you working out?

Obviously Turkey needs some common sense bomb control laws. Maybe Obama can school Turkey's leaders on signing Executive Orders which will surely curtail such events.

Now you know why the Turks don't want refugees.

Coming to a European city shortly. Don't worry your prog leaders will say you have to be compassionate when it comes to harboring terrorists while labeling you xenophobes and Islamophobes if you disagree.

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