Title: Justin Bieber Bares His NAKED body in Bora Bora
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The What Do You Mean singer stripped completely naked for a skinny dip at his stunning ocean-front villa on Tuesday, as he enjoyed a get...

The What Do You Mean singer stripped completely naked for a skinny dip at his stunning ocean-front villa on Tuesday, as he enjoyed a getaway with rumored love interest, British model Jayde Pierce.

The singer was spotted parading around his waterfront villa in the buff, strolling across the deck as he basked in the sunshine.

Source : Oh Baby!


Batman, Gotham City, United States
The level of zoom used to take these pictures is incredibly creepy.

Karen, Lost in Space
I don't care for this young man but those photos seem extremely invasive. If you have to use a telescope to get the shot perhaps you are invading someone's privacy.

Natalie2606, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Give him some privacy

mlmgl, Brisbane, Australia
They look totally disinterested in each other.

Paige_Matthews, New York, United States
These are paparazzi long-lens shots taken from very very far away. Both Jayde and Bieber thought they were totally alone. If you pay for a resort, you're entitled to think you're on your own. Total invasion of privacy.

Alexa, Los Angeles, United States
That's really invasive. And why must you show the same pic that many times. I think everyone got it that he was naked in the first one...

Miss OzzyGirl, City of Angels, Morocco
You gotta feel sorry for the dude,no privacy whatsoever,the paparazzi who took those pics is a creep yikes

missglimmer, san francisco, United States
Much as I dislike him,these pics are invasive . He can do whatever he wants although all of them looking so bored

MT Paleo girl, Billings, United States
With that hair and no clothes, he kinda reminded me of Miley Cyrus!

clju, tampa, United States
Such an invasion! I'm sure they were shooting from very far away and he had no idea! It's so not ok to do this to people! I mean could you imagine it happening to yourself and placed online for the world to see!

VMG, Greenwood, United States
Could they look less interested in each other? He looks like a tool.

Liz-318-13, Cork City, Ireland
He will be proud of the size of the pixellation.

Jim, Sydney, Australia
Wow, imagine the outrage if they had done this to a female celeb.

SoTired, MA, United States
I don't know what is more disturbing, someone hiding in the bushes taking these photos or DM showing the photos multiple times in the same article.

isa456, LA, United States
They are in a gorgeous spot in paradise and all they end up doing is moping around and texting.

l.a._lady, los angeles, United States
I'm not a fan of this guy, but this is beyond intrusive. No one deserves to have their privacy invaded like this, whether they're a celebrity or not. Paparazzi is out of control and obviously go to great lengths just to make big money off shots like this.

ImpossibleLady, Utrecht, Netherlands
So many pictures - he's in and out of that tub 20 times?!

biancaknowsbest, Alkmaar, Netherlands
Shame there are no more pics...

Dr Kayla, Washington DC, United States
Maybe you could have posted the same photos a few more times?

Sarah the nurse, Ohio USA, United States
If someone took pictures of my young son & posted them all over the internet they would be seeing me in court. I don't care for him, but this is just rude! He isn't on a public beach. He's trying to have private time & that should be allowed.

ImdaPrincess, Moss, Norway
I thought it was Billy Idol there....

Nancy1017, Brooklyn, United States
They appear to b so over each other...

Eh, London, United Kingdom
they look happy together...........NOT.

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