Title: Officer's shooting of boy with pellet gun justified
Author: ANGEL
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A white Cleveland police officer was justified in fatally shooting a black 12-year-old boy holding a pellet gun moments after pulling up...

  • A white Cleveland police officer was justified in fatally shooting a black 12-year-old boy holding a pellet gun moments after pulling up beside him
  • Tamir's family branded the findings a 'white-wash' 

Source : YAHOO! NEWS


point anything that looks like a gun at an officer, you will meet your maker

From everything I've seen and read I think it was justified too. The big mistake made by the cops was the guy driving the car, he never should have driven that close that fast to someone they thought had a gun.

This is why we need beat cops who know the neighbors.

Ready.....Set.....We need more gun control!!! lol

Anyone that has followed ALL the facts on this tragedy would have came to the same conclusion.
Tamir Rice was responsible for his own demise.
Sad but true.

Time for the riots to begin.

Riots coming in ohio. Duck for cover

Cops are trigger-happy and know they have impunity for any murder they commit.

Sad for the loss of the boy but mad at the people who allowed him to think he could have something that looked like a real gun in public!

The cop almost ran over him in is car and the other officer was shooting as he got out of the car. Not much dialogue there, and a 12 boy is dead. They can spin it all they want, but I saw it and they're full of cah cah.

"and the speed with which the confrontation progressed would not give the officer time to focus on the weapon."

Because someone gave Barney his bullets, and he started spraying as soon as was physically possible!

Michelle D
Why did his parents not teach him how to respect offices?

hi t
I wish I could edit these articles and remove "white" and "black" so it was just "an officer shot a 12 year old boy"

of course it was justified.....bring young black and stupid is not an excuse for pointing a real looking gun at the cops or anyone else

Shirley D
It's sad that a boy lost his life. He was waving that gun around prior to officers being called. He aimed it at passersby. So sad. That being said, I fail to see where "racism" is a factor. Strange what this PC world is coming to. So strange to me. Strange and sad.

Hos parents will be part of the kid's life to collect the lawsuit money. They (probably only mother) were no to be found as to actual parenting.

Rice's parents should be charged . he threatened people with their lives,
who were innocently at the park .

Is this going to affect the family's ability to get their 6 million?

thinking out loud
Cops got justice and the little thug is dead.... Win-win.

So a kid can't have a pellet gun without fear of getting shot by some cop who "perceives'' danger? Wow.

Ok, Columbus Ohio look out here they come. It does not make any difference what two investigations came up with. The city will still eventually pay this family millions of dollars.

I weep for society when I read yahoo comments.

The good ole days when we could run around with cap guns and actual BB guns without the fear of being gunned down by the law...

Looks like the mother of the year won't be getting her payday for horrible parenting.

it is a shame this little boy had to die…. it will and always will be 100% their parents fault… until parents start taking responsibility for their children, then we can talk about outsider neglect

Momma darwin wasnt watching her kid,and sonny darwin had no idea what he was doing and stupid happened.

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