- Original doomsday prediction stated the world would end on 21 May, 2011
- When this prediction failed to come true believers adjusted the calculations
- They now claim God began punishing people on 11 May 2011 instead
- This is based on the belief that God has been punishing the world since the first proposed Rapture date on 11 May 2011, and this punishment is due to end 1,600 days later.
Source : Is the world going to end TODAY?
Ankle to a stone, Planet Dave....., United Kingdom
When tomorrow comes, I expect everyone to agree, there is no God!!!!
nellakam, Las Palmas, Spain
The world ended for ISIS today when 26 Russian long range cruise missiles hit their target causing immeasurable devastation. The missiles were launched from Russia's Caspian fleet and hit areas that were considered totally safe by ISIS.
NannyNannyNanny, Manchester, United States
This is the 5th time I've sent out 'End of the World party' invitations. I'm starting to feel a little silly
AboveThere, Earth, United States
A Christian does not know when the world will come to an end as the Bible did not say.
Rollerball, Aquitaine, France
Wonder how many of them have cleared out their bank accounts, got rid of all their money, possessions, property, all that stuff? Yeah, thought not...
Peter Simpson, somewhere in France, France
I am somewhat confused, if it is going to end today in which time zone will it be as it is already tomorrow in some places.
WakeMeUpWhenItsOver, Outside, Spain
The question is. Is a snickers more nutty?
→ Big Vern, Not in London, United Kingdom
Nah, Marathons were nuttier which is why the zealots opted for Snickers.
Chitown Lady, Chicago, United States
Funny how all these nutjob groups seem to forget this verse: Matthew 24:36 - "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Truthseeker, Chattaboogie TN, United States
Sadly, statistically, some reading this post will have their worlds end today. Life is short.
lovingmy2boys, Memphis, United States
Could it wait until tomorrow?? Today is my birthday and my husband got a sitter for tonight so we can go ballroom dancing!!!
sparrowspouse, Merica, United States
The world stubbornly refuses to end. Despite our very best efforts.
tbh2015, Toronto, Canada
I want some of the drugs these people are clearly on.
Dead_Parrot, Wellington, New Zealand
Well, it's now Thursday in NZ and I'm still here. I have run out of milk, though, so it is pretty grim.
bankofdad, Ottawa, Canada
How can it end today ..............when it's already tomorrow on the other side of the world?.............cheers
Lmg, Oklahoma, United States
Absurdity! NO MAN knows the day or the hour.
jollyone, White Rock, Canada
Each generation of idiotic believers are told the rapture is coming in their lifetime. It never does.
my71superbee3, Neptune, United States
All this number adding nonsense is not of God. It borders on the occult. In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus said "What I say to you I say to all. Watch." Leave the date setting to Him because that date has already been set. You're simply to be ready.
theoracle55, Chicago, United States
Better do some heavy sinning so I can be forgiven when he shows up:)
sakia, wexford, Ireland
Just think --- one day they will be right and no one will know
blowtrump, piedmont, United States
My God....people are SO easily led. Critical thinking is NOT our strong suit. Quit following these crazy preachers and religions. Stand up on your own two feet and move forward in life without being led by the nose or told what to think. AND no Huckabee...rainbow Dorito's are not going to send us to Hell.
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