A Northern Arizona University freshman has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder after killing a fellow student and injuring three of the victim's fraternity brothers in an early morning campus shooting.
The 18-year-old suspect was identified as Steven Jones, an NAU student, said NAU police chief Gregory Fowler.
The three others who were injured in the shooting were taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for their injuries.
Source : NAU shooting: ABC15's full coverage on Friday morning shooting
Paul Hafner·Penfield, New York
Before we all get started, lets just simplify this a bit and just make your selection from this list. After that, we might be able to really start a conversation about guns.
Excuse 1 - Guns don’t kill; people kill.
Excuse 2 - It’s my 2nd amendment right.
Excuse 3 - Gun free zones don’t work.
Excuse 4 - I need to protect my family.
Excuse 5 - Only criminals will have guns.
Brian Kindel
Why on earth didn't the shooter use a hammer? I keep hearing how they are deadly too!
Gerald Fitch
President Fast and Furious will run his suck in 3....2....1
Nick Grillo · Lake-Sumter State College
Obama "Here today to save day"
John Rookwood · Austin, Texas
Remember folks, guns don't kill people - it's those little hard things that come out of them at ballistic speed that kill people!
Joe Campbell
The media just can't contain themselves.
Seth Kremer · Driver at Swift Transportation
Yeah Nick because people are lined up everyday and shot. Your level of paranoia should be diagnosed.
Blase McCarthy
Is barry on TV yet pushing gun control?
Toan Le · Austin, Texas
So should I expect Obama will stand behind the mic and rant too?
Donald Simpson · American International College Student Government
guns have been around since the civil war, these insane shootings have not. why is that????
its not a gun issue, but some rty to make you uthink it is
Jon Gilbert
With over 300 million guns at 88.8 per 100 residents in the US, is anyone surprised?
Gloria Stitts
While I'm a strong 2nd A advocate, proof that we've become numb to this is evident in these posts.
So... let me be the first to express sorrow for the victims and families.
Stop with the "gun free zones" already - they do nothing but put a target on the backs of the innocents.
I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with Hillary in that we need to close the "3-day loophole" when someone is buying a gun. We also need a better system to weed out the crazies... ban guns and they'll find another way to kill.
Joshua Krellen
Shooter in custody? How did that happen?
Brian Willis · Nashville, Tennessee
everyone google cia mk ultra this is thier programmed "robots" they are using under gun grabbing obama theres a mass shooting monday thru friday usually at gun free zones, theres always an M.O.
Chris Sadler · Toronto, Ontario
This is how a country gets to 30,000 killed a year by guns. The USA is a 3rd world country when it comes to guns. Who could live there?
Richie Matulis · West Virginia State University
The US Supreme Court ruling on this issue was a travesty. They interpreted the 2ND AMENDMENT incorrectly. That thing was written when the horse and buggy was around. I think it is safe to say we have progressed.
George Riley · Cal State University San Bernardino
This doesn't have the feel of a mass shooting. It has more of a feel.of late night partiers popping off to a person, and that person taking exception to it with their hand gun.
Steven Berrones · Works at ESS
Conservative POV:
"It didn't happen to me or anyone I know directly so I could care less"
Lauren Youngs
So then we just continue to read about shootings? And do nothing...
Richard Johnson · Works at Meta Engineers
e pluribus gunman
John Smith
Bunch of frat boys got shot. The shooter should be considered an important pilar of the community
Timmy Jones · Works at Retired
Ammosexuals are usually angry white males who can't score with the girls. Very trendy amongst their type.
Timmy Jones · Works at Retired
Running to my local gun shop to add to my stockpile ia accordance with my 2nd amendment which states a "...militia..." Well regulated isn't in my rendition of the 2nd.
Mary Andrews · Works at Retired
Ho hum. Another shooting. More dead from guns. Yawn. So, anything new going on today?
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