Title: Germany foils anti-migrant arson plot as hostility mounts
Author: ANGEL
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AFP Photo/Vladimir Simice German officials said Thursday they had foiled an extremist plot to torch migrant shelters, adding to concerns...
AFP Photo/Vladimir Simice

German officials said Thursday they had foiled an extremist plot to torch migrant shelters, adding to concerns over rising attacks on refugees in Europe as migrant arrivals hit new records.

Last month, the EU approved plans to redistribute 160,000 asylum seekers from overstretched frontline states Italy and Greece through an EU-wide compulsory quota system that met with fierce resistance from some countries.

Source : YAHOO! NEWS


They are NOT migrants, they are a invading muslim horde.

The Racists who think Brown people are to Stupid, Lazy, and Savage to sort things out back in their home countries and need to be rescued by superior White people are the problem. They are fully capable of staying home and sorting things out. They are not "The White Mans Burden"! Stupid Racists...

In another news,I heard they torched their own tents to protest the slow registration of migrants in Slovenia....

Riley M
It's funny how we only see articles about people thinking about harming migrant terrorists but nothing about the rapes,muggings,property damages,home invasions or thefts these invaders are committing fn left wing media #$%$ !!!!!!

Merkel be like :lets push millions of muslims and populate 1000 muslims in villages of 100 people

and now wonder why people are angry

They are NOT migrants, they are a invading muslim horde.

The Racists who think Brown people are to Stupid, Lazy, and Savage to sort things out back in their home countries and need to be rescued by superior White people are the problem. They are fully capable of staying home and sorting things out. They are not "The White Mans Burden"! Stupid Racists...

In another news,I heard they torched their own tents to protest the slow registration of migrants in Slovenia....

Riley M
It's funny how we only see articles about people thinking about harming migrant terrorists but nothing about the rapes,muggings,property damages,home invasions or thefts these invaders are committing fn left wing media #$%$ !!!!!!

Merkel be like :lets push millions of muslims and populate 1000 muslims in villages of 100 people

and now wonder why people are angry

The German people, ya know, the citizens who pay the taxes DO NOT want
your refugees Merkel......shame on you, you should have asked first

If anyone wants me to Donate for the Refugee crisis,I'm ready to donate 3 gallons of gasoline and few cigarette lighters

All these migrants are being pushed to small villages and towns in areas that are anti-islam in order to manipulate the voting base to end any chance of conservatives winning elections. The globalists like Merkel should be strung up on the closest light pole encountered

Too bad they were caught

Wave of the future, we WILL take our countries back before libs totally destroy them from within

Politicians.....your supposed to represent the people, your supposed to be their mouth piece. But what do you do, you tax the death out of people and not you invite the mongrel of charge of course......people that never will or have any plans of assimilating.....

To the people of Europe you not the government owns that land. It is yours by birthright. Stop the invasion at all cost. Do it for your children's sake,k do it for you home, fight for your country because it is apparent the invaders do not wish to fight for theirs.

If Germany had used its force correctly to stem the flow of invaders, there wouldn't be any arson plot to foil. It's sad to see the most powerful nations such as US, Germany turn into sissies to be exploited by the massive third world takeover.

Europe has a new breed of leaders, liberal politicians who think that patriotism and love for ones country is a racist right-wing thing, they place no value in their native cultures.

Where are the stories about the violence, rapes and muggings the invaders are doing?

You reap what you sow Germany, if Merkel had any self respect and dignity she would resign.

If the treasonous political elites keep pushing they may have a new Kristallnacht. Maybe they should ask themselves why an otherwise peaceful population feels they have been pushed to this point.

Germany is lost. It will not survive the rest of this decade.

R. alone brought this on.......sacrificing thousands of years of German History and German Culture to appease your globalist SOBs.

The one millionth refugee wins free brews for life at Oktoberfest, plus a jihad equipped BMW.

Get the feeling you're unwelcome?

german police better start not being the new #$%$ to merkel's new world order and turn around when they see their own germans trying to defend their country by making it harder for these muslims to settle there.

Hijo De Pancho Villa
They aren't extremists. They are patriots.

The arsonists are patriots in this case. Merkel should also have her palace burned down.

Is it too late to send them all home to any Middle Eastern countries except the Christians.

Burning the wrong folks. Burn the politicians houses, Germany.

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