After the 2013 killings, authorities alleged that Griego reloaded his parents' two semi-automatic rifles and put them in the family van and planned to gun down Wal-Mart shoppers, though investigators had no information that Griego actually went to a Wal-Mart the day of the shooting.
Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston has said the teen told detectives he was angry with his mother and had been having homicidal and suicidal thoughts.
Source : YAHOO! NEWS
There is some of that fantastic Mexican American "lets keep families together" in action !!!
Give him a hug, then execute him.
"Griego's sentencing terms could range from probation..." PROBATION?? How is that even on the table in lieu of his admitted crimes?? This man\child is\was a nut, a time bomb apparently that just needed the right amount of stress and anxiety to go off. And boy did he! Makes me sick that he'll be possibly loose or at the very least housed and fed forever.
This kid should never be released under any circumstances!!!
Can't they just string this garbage up? If he's dead, he'll never breed and therefore, there won't potentially be others of his lineage running around with the same mentality.
Lance Uppercut
He, "had been having homicidal and suicidal thoughts"? The homicidal thoughts kinda go without saying, after he's been convicted of murder, don't they?
Cue the anti gun pacifists who feel the best way to combat crime is bend over...
So which psychotropic medications was he taking? Important details seems to always be left out.
You have to charge him as an adult and he has to get the max, that's 5 people dead because of him, I don't see any positive coming after that. Not to mention he is 18 now, shouldn't even be a question, he won't survive with no support, his immediate family is dead and of he was my nephew/cousin, I'll pass on letting him come stay with me.
The little S*it needs to be executed just like he did to his family.
Probation for killing five people! Seriously? He deserves to be sentenced as an adult; he definitely knew right from wrong and doesn't deserve any special treatment!
If he gets probation, when he kills again put the one who thought probation for this killer in jail with him.
15 is not a child anymore.
Try and convict as an adult and then put him away forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no cure for mean, hateful or stupid.
Nehemiah Griegom, Zephaniah, Jael and Angelina. Those are more white devil names....the white devil is the root of all evil....what? oh my bad those are minority names...yea go figure
Another NRA sponsored event! Family style! Many thanks to Wayne LaPierre for providing this young fellow the tools needed to destroy his young life after taking the rest of the family's.
Another example of folks that thought their guns made them safer but actually THEIR GUNS were used to KILL THEM. Do you really think this kid would have gotten two semi-automatic rifles if he somehow had to do it on his own? He didn't have to because his mom and dad did the gun purchases for him.
So, conclusion... not the gun.
He killed five people, all of which were close family members? The only suitable punishment is execution. Period.
This young man is just not right and should never be allowed back into the civilized world as bad as it is.
Just another day in the land of the free.
So much for religion being the answer to problem like this. Back to the drawing board.
Army Lifer
Maybe he should have emphasized the suicidal thoughts a little more and left his siblings out of it.
If they free him at age 21 they are more disturbed than he is. He must be charged as an adult.
He better be charged as a ADULT...this is pure BS he was angry at his momma?...He doesn't deserve life he deserves execution and not 30 yrs on death row either, which is absurd!!!
I get so tired of everyone thinking it has to be mental illness people do things because THEY WANT TO!! no mental illness, no abuse, no drugs its because I feel like it.
The rest of the world may hate the Middle East form of punishment but best believe this young man would have been beheaded 2 yrs ago.
Sad story. I don't know what is wrong with the kid but I agree with others. He should be charged as an adult and NEVER be released from prison.
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