Title: President Obama Oregon FULL Speech. 'Some How This Has Become Routine'
Author: ANGEL
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Source : youtube comments sheridanbucket "There's been another mass shooting in [Chicago]..." Obama could have hi...

Source : youtube


"There's been another mass shooting in [Chicago]..." Obama could have his canned Gun Control rant... every Monday morning... Calling for legislation to make guns extinct-- for law-abiding citizens. Punish... the law-abiding citizens... If Obama wants some dopey graphic display then show us, side by side, Americans shot by thugs in Chicago compared to the Americans shot by terrorists. The difference between Chicago and Oregon... there are many thugs doing the shootings in Chicago compared to one nutter doing the shooting in Oregon. What we need... is presidential Rant Control. America has a violent cultural problem, not a gun problem. Movies, TV, Music, Video Games... Violence to solve your problems... score points... and save the day.

Denise Bedio
 Yes this is becoming "routine". Their answers are " routine" as well. Tighter gun control. So why don't we start breaking the "routine" by trying a new solution. Obama did state these shooters are mentally ill so why don't we try improving our mental health care system? There is no need for tighter gun control the need is better care for those suffering from mental illness and disorders. Not only would this help prevent mass shootings, it would also help people with drug addiction since many drug addicts are self medicating due to mental disorders, and it would help the homeless too because many homeless suffer the same disorders which keep them from holding jobs and functioning in society. Instead of comparing gun laws in other countries maybe we should be comparing the mental health care services. It only makes sense to work on solving the issue from where it starts instead of where it ends.

Dear 'Murica,
Australia laughs at your inability to not kill yourselves.
Love Straya.

Joseph D
 It's disgusting how when something bad happens, he stands up there like a college professor talking to Americans like they are children. Fuck this guy.

Dominik Doherty
you know i have an idea for gun control and hear me out it may seem crazy but hear me out what if you stopped giving guns to the mentally insane that would work wonders =D

Thomas P
Where is this Obama been for 7 years?

vince appice
there goes the genius blaming the gun again,notice he doesn't say one thing about the twisted religious fanatic that did lets pass even more gun laws and take guns away from law abiding citizens,that will resolve mass shootings! this guy is completely clueless

Why are we so dumb..? This guy is the president.. and complete retard. ALL GUN DEATHS ARE BY GUN.. why do people keep talking about if you take guns away gun deaths drop.. NO FUCKING SHIT. But, what affect does that have to crime over all?? No one seems to give a fuck or smart enough to even THINK of it. This ass hat act like this is the only way guns are used. So fucking stupid. This guy is about 1/1000th of an inch deep..

I don't see how anyone could be against better gun regulation.  If you want a gun and are a lawful and qualified citizen, then you can have a gun.  What is the problem with that!?

Leave it to that GOAT Obama to exploit pain and fear into advancing his nasty political agenda. YOU ARE NOT KING DICKHEAD.

Why you gotta lie Obama?
Obama said tonight, in the reflexive gun control speech he gives each time  a mass shooting occurs, "We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest deaths." NOT TRUE. Alaska has the most permissive and California the most restrictive laws and their murder rate is EQUAL (4.6 per 100,000). Utah has very lenient gun laws, and a 1.7 murder rate, New Jersey, no2 behind CA for most restrictive, has 4.6. New York, 4th most restrictive,has 3.3, North Dakota, 5th least restrictive, at 2.2. Connecticut, 5th most restrictive, 2.4, Montana, 6th least restrictive, 2.2. And so on...rankings of the states by Brady Campaign.  Do your own research and you will find the gun banners are lying, and these mass murders are caused by psychiatric medications.

Tom V
They still have not identified the shooter, it happened over 7 hours ago.  Why the delay?

Obama do you really need to read notes, speak from the heart man.

Take on Australias Gun Laws. Just Do It

Jason Barrett
Mr. President if somebody had a gun in the places that shootings happen and if someone could have took out the shooter it would have saved lives.

Steven Cook
I don't blame guns at all believe it or not. I blame not only individuals but also our political/media complex and our unnatural fear of guns. Everyone blames the gun, but no one asks what causes people to use the gun. You can't charge a gun with murder, you can only charge humans with murder.

Switzerland has more guns than America per capita. Men are mandated to pass basic military training and yet they have the world's lowest crime rates and the world's lowest unemployment. Switzerland has not gone to war since 1847. But at the same time everyone has guns, they even carry their guns with them. In America we are afraid of guns and we even blame the object. England tried banning guns and now their one of the most violent European countries. Mexico banned guns and now the criminals use them to terrorize innocent people.

In the past no one blamed swords for murder, they blamed the people who committed murder and the same logic applies with guns. Gun control will not stop violence or mass murder. People will find other ways to commit mass murder.

Years ago the democrats insisted that the public mental institutions be closed so that the crazies (like this shooter and so many more before him) could roam among us.   That caused massive homelessness and an uptick in violent crime.   It has only gotten worse over the years.


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