Title: MH17 Ukraine disaster: Dutch Safety Board blames Russian missile
Author: ANGEL
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Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed as a result of a Russian-made Buk missile, the Dutch Safety Board says. Dutch investigators releas...

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed as a result of a Russian-made Buk missile, the Dutch Safety Board says. Dutch investigators release final report into disaster that killed 298 people as jet flew over Ukraine in July last year. Report says 'it can't be ruled out some occupants remained conscious' during the 60 to 90 seconds before crashReport says 'it can't be ruled out some occupants remained conscious' during the 60 to 90 seconds before crash. Russian minister says report was 'an obvious attempt to draw a biased conclusion and carry out political orders'

 Source : BBC


Surely there has to be a full-scale enquiry as to why trained military personnel are shooting rockets at a commercial plane out of the sky?

I feel sorry for all those who had loved ones on that flight. I hope for their sake the people responsible are brought to book for what they have done

The families have been through hell. My deepest condolences to them.

Jack M
This wouldn't have happened if NATO/UK/US ween't trying to play as the world police.

Dominic Streames
Awful for the families and, of course, victims. But if Russia can invade and occupy the Crimea and deny it, then why on earth does anyone think they need come clean about this. Their attitude is to awful to dwell upon.

This is what happens when governments give weapons to rebels. Take note Mr Cameron!

A disaster and I feel so sorry for the relatives & friends of the passengers. What was a commercial aeroplane doing in that area?. My flight tracker showed all other planes tracking around the war zone

David Jones
What strikes me is that the parallel Russian investigation concludes that they had nothing to do with the downing of MH17 in the best whitewash fashion, it's the usual lies, deceit and manipulation by Putin and his crooked regime.

Mr B
The tragedy of war in that so many innocents are killed.

"The report will not apportion blame but says airspace should have been closed."

No. Airspace should not have been closed, rockets just shouldn't be fired at commercial aeroplanes. It's completely unacceptable, who is going to appear in court over this?

Sickening. They must have known it was a commercial flight.

The aviation authorities are entirely to blame.

Planes shouldn't be flying over a warzone where military aircraft are bombarding ground targets and fire is being returned.

Too easy to scapegoat the poorly trained Rebels who were being hammered from the air and therefore had an itchy trigger finger. Can't blame the Russians either as we assist sides too.

Avoidable accident.

I lost a friend on that flight... nice to have a little closure, even if the political jousting will continue for years no doubt.

In the meantime, I hope that it is now illegal for airlines to use flightpaths taking civilians into the airspace of war torn countries... in a bid to save a little bit of fuel by not going around!

I'm not sure this comes as a surprise to anybody, putin is a grubby little war monger who is having trouble accepting that Russia is a diminished power in the world. And yes before the UK haters start slinging mud, the UK is a diminished power from its height 100 years ago, but we've moved on and come to terms with it. Russia needs to do the same.

Condolences to the families.

Andy Furniss
It's infuriating how the world just does nothing about Russia's lies. Even when all evidence points in their direction they just say "It was us" and nothing happens. There is no reason for the Ukrainians to have shoot the plane down because the rebels had no air power. The rebels on the other hand had been boasting about shooting down several Ukrainian aircraft in the weeks before this incident.

This was obvious right from the start when 'rebel' commanders in the East posted tweets about downing the aircraft minutes after it was hit.

" In July, Russia vetoed a draft resolution at the UN Security Council to set up an international tribunal into the MH17 air disaster. President Vladimir Putin said at the time the establishment of such a tribunal would be "premature" and "counterproductive". "

If Putin were not afraid of the outcome of such an enquiry he would have had no reason to block it.

Huevos E Bacon
It's a travesty that no one will face murder charges for the deaths of 298 innocents.

Floris Dboss
Why would Russia veto a International Tribunal? Guilty conscious?

Ready Reckoner
I believe the Dutch version of events far more than I do the Russian story.

At the time, I remember the rebels boasting that they'd downed another Ukrainian military plane, then shutting up rapidly when it became apparent that they'd destroyed a civilian airliner.

Those responsible should be put in front of a judge, but they won't be as Putin will not give them up.

I stilll want to know why the Order of Suvorov was awarded to 76th Airborne Division, who are missile-equipped and within range. The award was made "For the successful execution of command assignments and for displaying of courage and heroism"... one wonders just what they were doing to be given such a high award.

Nothing will change. The leaders will play the diplomacy game and just consider the victims as collateral damage.

Just choose your holiday destination with care.

This should be categorised as a war crime and those responsible brought to justice regardless of time limits and political position.

That Russia vetoed a UN security council vote to investigate, to me, speaks volumes about Russia and its morals, and regretably about the effectiveness of the UN as a peace-keeper.

We should question the usefulness of the UN security council.......

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