REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah
U.S. forces airdropped small arms ammunition and other supplies to Syrian Arab rebels, barely two weeks after Russia raised the stakes in the long-running civil war by intervening on the side of President Bashar al-Assad. was part of a revamped U.S. strategy announced last week to help rebels in Syria battling Islamic State militants.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was rebuffed in his bid to gain support for his country's bombing campaign, with Saudi sources saying they had warned the Kremlin leader of dangerous consequences and Europe issuing its strongest criticism yet.
The U.N. diplomat trying to convene talks to end the war said he would hold talks in Russia on Tuesday and then in Washington.
Source : YAHOO! NEWS
we should supply the rebels with surface to air missiles.
We are aiding ISLAMIST. There are no moderate rebels. We are dropping weapons to AL Quaeda affiliates like Al Nusra.
the airdrop also included 5 makeup kits, 5 backpacks with change of clothing and running shoes, just in case each rebel would need to hide during government attacks....
Mohammad Nikita
I am against rats .... Assad go to hole
We are governed by IDIOTS and FOOLS.
democraticaly elected
and corrupted UN don't give a shot about it America resupplying terrorists with weapons. For that matter any American aircraft flying illegally over Syrian territory it is a legit target for Russian aircraft and Syrian defenses
A lot of old bombs have to go and make room for new bombs.
Syria is a perfect dumping ground.
Is it a war crime to give weapons to war criminals? These 'things' (no they are not people) are war criminals to all of humanity except for governments with specific aims.
Patrick C
I hope our Moron leader did not give them surface to air missiles. If he di do it he shoul be jailed and tarred and fether. We all know hoe capable he is of being stupid.
now call me crazy, but we hand out weapons to these guys in person before and the wrong side got them, now we just dropping them from the sky for anyone to pick up???
just when i had thought our gov couldn't get more stupid they prove me wrong.
b 21
Update: The ammunition and supplies have already been captured by ISIS.
Didn't we learn from giving arms to Bin Laden?
Obama rearming the Nusra Front
American propaganda, how low have we stooped with the traitors in wishington???
Let's get this straight for the brain dead, Obama and the United States are supporting terorrists, and Putin and Russia are killing terorrists. Hmmm, who is the real enemy here?
Dropping weapons and ammunition to al-Nusra, a al-Qaeda affiliate...our leaders should be immediately arrested for treason, they are aiding the enemy, violating the Patriot Act!
Considering Putin's obviously effective strategy and Obama's lack of any strategy whatever, it might make more sense to airdrop body bags. Why would anyone have faith in Obama?
US cargo aircraft airdropped overnight some 50 tons of small fire ammunition and explosives to terrorist "rebels" in northern Syria’s Hasakah province.
Russia has been taken notes and will strike the location ASAP. A few more millions dollars blowing up in smoke.
Syrian conflict is slowly unfolding as predicted and look like not far US will end up
fighting Russia there directly or actually NATO vs Russia and possibly China.
All efforts to bring peace to Middle East are total failure.
Yeah, there's no way this can turn into a disaster...
democraticaly elected
Corrupted UN needs to immediately arrest the terrorist in the white house and have him face the ICC or otherwise a Special Court for US needs to be established immediately and issue arrest warrants on every American senator that has authorized secretly CIA covert operations to overthrow legitimate governments around the world.
Now the United States is officially helping ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists.
What a shame!
Evan wrizzle
i hope you fellow americans fully understand that only a 2nd revolution will save the country. Washington is corrupt to the core servants of satans new world order
Time has come to put propaganda aside, and deal with the problems. Rule of law needs to be established, and local people decide on their future. Not, Iran, Turkey, Saudis etc. This needs to happen or the entire region will slip into anarchy.
Eleatic Stranger
Where are the SAMs (surface-to-air missiles)? If the US dropped SAMs then the rebels could defeat the Russian air strategy. The rebels need the proper weapons - an air defense system - to shoot down the Russian airplanes and reassert their control. Why isn't the US supplying the appropriate weapons?
WHY in the HECK are WE still supporting ISLAMIC REBELS, didn't they learn in LIBYA, IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN/ WAKE UP AMERICA!
Why has the UN not filed charges against the UN
Why has OUR ENTIRE Congress (Democrats and Republicans) NOT stopped OBAMA in a TREASON ACT in aiding the ENEMY.
Yesterday, the Russian air force hit the US/CIA sponsored mercenaries targets in in the provinces of Idlib, Latakia, Homs and Hama. The airstrikes destroyed seven command points, six training camps, six arms depots, eliminated a convoy of vehicles, a mobile mortar gunnery team and three underground bunker systems; a mobile mortar battery in the Hama province, wiping out three SUVs with mortars mounted on them and a truck of munitions. The number of US foreign mercenaries sent to allah remains unknown.
No problem...the Russians can just follow-up the US weapons drops with their own weapons drop in the same locations - Bombs!
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