The brutal attack comes amid dramatically escalating tensions between Palestinians and Israelis in the West Bank
The worst outbreak in bloodshed in months has killed at least 37 Palestinians, including attackers and children in assaults and confrontations, and seven Israelis in stabbings and other attacks on buses and in the streets.
Source : YAHOO! NEWS
mike s
meeting with bibi is like meeting hitler.. waste of time. boycott isreal and forget talks. where done talking. jerusalem is the red line....
Amazing burning holy sites and shrines just like ISIS did and do.
Roman G
And yet, the PERCEIVED threat of Jewish visitation to Al-Aqsa Mosque (as per Abbas' "Jews defiling the sanctity of Islamic holy place with their filthy feet) is enough to start a religious war between Judaism and Islam?
I am sure it, plus the recent destruction of Bar Kokhba antiquities, makes UNESCO proud of accepting PA into its fold.
Camilo Ezagui Menashe
Islamic fundamentalists call Jews and Christians: Monkeys and Pigs…Reuters reports on January 2010: Muslim fanatics set fire to four churches of the Christian minority in Malaysia. In Egypt, Muslim terrorists set fire to churches and massacred christians of the Coptic minority after the Christmas mass. ISIS beheaded hundreds of christians in Irak. In Nigeria Muslim fanatics set fire to Churches and 2000 christians were killed by Boko Haram till today.
Mow down ALL Philistines!
Research G
The persecution of the Jews my the Muslims will never end as its the religious agenda of Islam to dominate the world. Israel needs to drive these Arabs aka Palestinians back to Mecca where they belong.
Israel should bomb the mosque on the Temple Mount in retaliation. They want to start destroying holy sites, two can play that game. That is a Jewish Holy site long before Islam was a twinkle in Mohammed's eye.
Have to agree with other poster, calling all these places "holy" is simply not correct (except to believers). There are many atheists in Israel, and the actions of the Palestinians don't look too "holy" either.
Nowhere in this left wing neo-Nazi hate piece did they mention that the PA is naming streets after the Palestinian murderers. And nowhere in this left wing neo-Nazi hate piece did they mention that the attackers are targeting children as well.
They have a pathological hatred for the only Jewish state.
Hyphenated American
The only reasonable response is to burn down an Islamic sacred place - so that next time Islamists knew that their actions will cause equal reaction. Animals need to be taught.
Rearden Metal
Why does yahoo post Islamic hate propaganda from Al-Jazeera every day? Do they actually think their readers want to see that fecal matter in text form?
Diane 1
John Kerry has said he plans to travel to the Middle East soon to try to calm the violence. Seriously..... this is the same half witted moron who said recently at Havard that the violence was provoked by settlement building, which lead to pali frustration. and the consequent night of a thousand knives. In other words it has and had nothing to do with the 24/7 incitement and hatred in the Pali press, schools, media, mosques which openly call for the destruction of israel. This total ignoramus is unable to see the situation objectively and needs to get his head out from where the sun dont shine. Israel does not need another visit from this baboon.
Palestinians need to kill as many settlers as they can. Maybe then the Israelis will get out. 50 years of taking Palestinian homes,farms and land will never stop unless Palestinians kill every last one of these thieves.
Adele Banita, whose husband Aharon was killed and her two-year-old child wounded in an attack by a young Palestinian man Saturday night described the horrific assault.
She told Israeli media that she felt something in her back and then saw the Palestinian assailant stabbing her husband before he turned to stab her again. "There were lots of Arabs around looking ... laughing and smiling," she said.
After she tried to help her husband, she said she ran for help. Palestinian onlookers "spat at me and slapped me in the face. While the knife was still stuck in me they slapped me and laughed at me," she said.
Banita said she pleaded with them to help her two-year-old child and was told by the onlookers to "die."
They urge the two sides to curb the VIOLENCE! ISRAEL is not CAUSING any VIOLENCE! ISRAEL is just REACTING to the VICIOUS acts of TERRORISTS! VIOLENCE is getting worse because ISRAEL is not reacting accordingly! At some point, must wipe out these murderous thugs! GOD BLESS PM NETANYAHU! GOD BLESS ISRAEL! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
mohammedans with knives, meat cleavers, guns and other tools of murder will simply be ...
It is very important that King Abdullah ll of Jordan be involved to help advise how to solve this infestation of Parasites. Let us not forget that his father, King Abdullah had the same problem with these Parasites when they attempted to kill him and take over Jordan. The King was able to rid Jordan of Parasites and contained them in the desert. Eventually Israel was formed and the Parasites in desperate need of a host to survive focused on Israel.
It ain't the west bank - it's the ancient Jewish land of Judea and Samaria!
It is so clear what the proph-oh-f*ck and its followers did to create a fake religion. They tied it to Judaism and Christianity and twisted everything. That thing died on the Temple Mount? I severely doubt it. That thing was not a Jew. Why would it even go to the site of the destroyed second temple? He wanted to be a new fake Jesus. Jesus is mentioned multiple times in the Quran but mostly what is written there are lies, blasphemy. The Temple Mount is Jewish no ifs ands or buts, which is why Jesus prayed there. Back then the temple had not yet been destroyed. The Islamic empires had the audacity to build mosques on holy ground. It is outrageous.
tricky ricky
The Muslims never call for peace, only rage, blood, and murder.
Since when has Israel advocated such things?
Pretty obvious who's the bad guy in all this stuff.
And it repeats and repeats and repeats.
Well it is nothing but Muslims tearing up their own Mosque, or tearing up a Jewish Shrine. I think might be a Palestinian that knows you don't rip up your own mosque. Do not blame your destruction on anyone but yourselves. Oh I am sorry you can also blame Abbas and Hamas for not being decent leaders who want the Palestinian to live in peace. Anyone can give a call to destroy a country and its people but it boils down to Iran and Hamas.
Jeff F
Hamas and the rest of them are playing with fire, again. Their homes and neighborhoods are still in ruins from the last one, their kids walk around with nothing to do, their young men have no education and no jobs and no hope and still they follow Hamas as their leader.
The Israelis are not built to turn the other cheek, a DNA adjustment after WWII fixed that problem and they are not going anywhere. They are going to squeeze these idiots into a little tiny area and keep them there, they will make their lives even harder and Hamas, Abbas, no one over there gets it.
Jeff W
And you still want the Palestinians to have a state at the pre-1967 boarders? If the Palestinians had control of E Jerusalem you can bet they would demolish the Wailing Wall and forbid any Jews to go to any holy site under their control. The Palestinians, especially Hamas and the PA are no better than ISIS, they are animals who want to wipe out the Jews simply because they hate them. They feign they want peace but all they want is to be closer to Jewish cities so they can rocket and bomb them.
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