Title: Attorney: Army officer recommends no jail time for Bergdahl
Author: ANGEL
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Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban after leaving his post on June 30, 2009, and held until last year, when he was exchanged for five T...

  • Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban after leaving his post on June 30, 2009, and held until last year, when he was exchanged for five Taliban commanders. His commanding officers in Afghanistan say a 45-day search for Bergdahl put soldiers in danger.
  • Exchanged for five Taliban commanders after years of abuse and torture
  • US Army commanding general to decide if case should go to court-martial 

Source : YAHOO! NEWS


I would go with the firing squad.

But of course Obama wants to turn loose a traitor. Did you expect any less?

The Real Dan 
This is total BS oblamo still talking to the parents of this loser???/

I am a veteran and this stinks to high heaven no prison time and smells of Obama-#$%$ starts at the top and flows down hill!

Desertion should equal death.

Who does his family have so much pull with?

yep, another kiss #$%$ army officer taking orders from the black/white house.

He should be shot, the army officer is a piece of excrement. This is the result of the military becoming an embarrassment, a shell, filled with rejects not worthy of the uniform. I pity them.

Can you imagine what WWII would have been like if today's disciplinary practices were followed then? Out POTUS is a real POS.

This is unbelievable! This officer should be sitting right next to Bergdahl He left his post and soldiers (real soldiers) lives were put in danger looking for this traitor. Obama has ruined our military along with our respect in the world..

Visger is a piece of garbage. I have no respect for that uniform he wears, burn it.

Jack Mathews 
How many people were killed looking for this loser?

Absolutely!! After facing the firing squad, it would be inhumane to place his corpse in jail.

This from the government that covers up and whitewashes how well we are doing in our fight with the taliban, ISIS, and Mr. Assad.

Quotes from Bergdahl's last e-mail to parents, 3 days before desertion:

"I am ashamed to even be american"

"My battalion commander is a conceited old fool"

" I am ashamed to be an american."

"the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools"

"The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at."

"It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools"

"(America) is the most conceited country in the world"

"america is disgusting"

 → Commenter 
sounds more like Obama!

 → Commenter 
But his mom said he's a good boy!

I agree, no jail time. Straight for the noose.

What are the odds. I guess that Obama looks foolish enough that he had the deserter's parents parading around the White House.

Court martial and then the execution for desertion in a war zone.

Jack Mathews 
Let's just give him back to ISIS.....he can go stay with those five Taliban Generals that we traded for him.
I'm sue they will welcome him home..

Lt. Col. Mark Visger should now face charges of conspiring with the enemy

Great Daze  
Hang the traitorous bast tard.

Politically guided BS - this guy is a deserter and traitor in every sense and meaning of the word and should be Court Martialed for his actions and his betrayal of his comrades when he left his post!

Time for a new commander-in-chief. 
This one is ruining our military!

The WH speaks. We need a couple generals to resign and publicly rebuke this farce.

Ok, I can live with not seeking "execution for treason" but to go to the extreme opposite side of the punishment scale is inappropriate. If he is guilty of the charges, no jail time is an affront to every principle I served in the US Navy.

Since the Military justice system is not bound by any civil restraints like a quick and speedy trial they can actually hold his trial until POTUS Obama is no longer in office and convict him after pending on the views of the next POTUS ?. Hopefully not a lame one like Obama.

Tom S 
The only reason Bergdahl won't be SHOT, is 0bama's reputation is on the line.

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