Title: Processed and Red Meats to Cancer: new meat rules
Author: ANGEL
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The World Health Organisation says eating just 50g of processed meat a day increases the risk of bowel cancer by 18 per cent. 50g of meat...

The World Health Organisation says eating just 50g of processed meat a day increases the risk of bowel cancer by 18 per cent. 50g of meat includes two slices of shop bought ham, 10 slices of chorizo and half a hot dog - or 1.7 meatballs or an eighth of a pack of chicken roll

Government guidelines introduced in 2011 recommend that adults eat no more than 70g of red or processed meat each day.
Experts are now urging the public to avoid processed meat where possible and to have a bean salad for lunch rather than a BLT.
Eating a bacon bap every once in a while isn't going to do much harm - having a healthy diet is all about moderation.

Source : daily mail


Slippers, On the waterfront, United States
I'm giving up everything but carrots and water. May have to give up carrots.

HOWDY211, Scotland, United Kingdom
What vegan found this out!

Gator, Florida, United States
Okay , just read the study's conclusion in the press. In America Colon and digestive cancers effect 1 out of 20 people. That comes out to 5%. -- The new study raises that risk to 6%. ------ That means 94% of the people will not be effected by this new revelation. -- FACT..

Lucifers Sister, N-A, France
This is so strange considering all the wonder meats that the Mediterranean diet offers and yet somehow it has the lowest incidence of cancer. How can that be? Is that wrong? How could so many people who follow that lifestyle and diet be so healthy yet a handful of researchers working for an organisation trying to prove that meat is evil tell us that we must never eat meat again because we will mutate into a person who can think for themselves? Very strange. Would the results be somewhat skewed do you think?

 → NonHip in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, United States
I believe it's due to American meat processing and the fact that European meat usually comes from smaller farms where fewer if any hormones are used and then processing, even when we are talking about sausage and cured meats, is better regulated and fewer additives allowed by law/ the EU. We allow corporations who only care about profit to poison us in America. (I am a vegetarian but I know I'm still being poisoned! A little less maybe.)

Raymond J Johnson, Marijuannaville, United States
You're more likely to get E. Coli from that salad, but go ahead and eat it up.

Sam_Handwich, Olten, Switzerland
Not buying it! No, I am not speaking about the meat.

John Cook, NWA, United States
100% of us will die.

already1984, Chonburi, Thailand
That is what must have killed my father he loved cooked meats and steaks ,and he died so young at only 85

Minerva, Andalucia, Spain
For goodness sake, I live in Spain, where everyone enjoys delicious chorizo and Serrano ham, every day, yet the plaques in the graveyards locally show average ages at death of about 80 years. Just enjoy everything in moderation. No doubt in a year or so the new breed of experts will be telling us such produce is amazingly healthy after all!

Doratheexplora, California, United States
News flash. Everything causes cancer

Mrjoshua, New York
Vegan agenda. I do not buy it. It was not long ago that we were told milk and eggs were bad for you. Now they are great for you. They can stick their advice. I am going to eat what makes me happy

Mabel on Hudson, Gotham, United States
This from the people who told us margarine was good for us.....

Rick Jameyx2, AssVille, United States
The chemicals that they put in the food is what causes cancer. Food dyes, Preservatives, Bug Killer that they use on vegetables, ETC.. This stuff causes cancer. Red meat does not cause cancer, we have been eating red meat for thousands of years

Private Schultz, Düsseldorf, Germany
In the light of reading recent evidence, which states bacon and sausages cause cancer. I have decided to cut down on reading newspapers.

userpete86, IrvineCA, United States
It sounds like we need less studies telling us how to avoid processed food, and more restrictions on how companies are allowed to use additives that are known to cause cancer.

dartleyk, austerlitz, United States
another study that fails to account for the obvious: people have been eating meat for centuries, and living longer and longer

Andy B, Derby
So why aren't we all dead?

jonnystorm777, Eastlake, United States
This is just a push to try and sell Vegan ism and animal rights. It's bull crap!

honisty2, Xinhua, China
Statistics also show that not eating bac0n dramatically increases your chances of bI0wing yourself up.

Whoa, Over the rainbow, United States
This drivel just replaces the outdated cholesterol and low-fat scare of the past 50 years. Lesson to be learned: eat everything in moderation. We are all going to die of something.

nocureforstupid, Kansas, Canada
I thin anyone with a brain knows that all of those listed foods are not healthy if you eat them everyday. If you eat them once every week or two, you'll be fine.

Mainlinefl, Miami, United States
Bean salad? Aren't these same people concerned about methane emissions?

StoicCrane, New York, United States
Ridiculous. It's not the red meats but the preservatives Corporations place in meat that causes the risk. The population is being soft-killed and controlled through their dinner plate all for the sake of profit for the medical and pharmeceutical industry. Nothing new.

honisty2, Xinhua, China
Statistics also show that eating bac0n dramatically reduces your chances of bIowing yourself up.

Warrior, Richmond, United States
Bought the us by the same people who used to say eggs were bad for us. If you're too afraid to eat then don't. Nature will solve your problem in a few weeks.

PacificstGeorge, Utopia, United States
Everybody that has ever eaten food has died. Something IS wrong with the food!!

LJ, Somewhere
The new rationing, as brought to you by the WHO.

CuprousII, Woodbury, United States
Studies also show that breathing oxygen causes death by the age of 100. We know this because people who make it to 100 years of age always die by "taking their last breath". Hence... causality.

Dasproulis, Greece, United Kingdom
Can't wait until they discover a food that doesn't cause cancer.

Ferbil, New York, United States
It's amazing any of us reach our thirties..

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