Title: German official says Merkel's open door migrant policy will lead to 'civil war' after thousands march through one city holding crucifixes during anti-Islam protest
Author: ANGEL
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Hansjoerg Mueller, of the Alternative for Germany party, said the country was 'sliding towards anarchy' and risks becoming a '...

Hansjoerg Mueller, of the Alternative for Germany party, said the country was 'sliding towards anarchy' and risks becoming a 'banana republic without any government'.
He made the claims after about 8,000 people joined the anti-Islam Pegida movement for a rally in Dresden over Angela Merkel's decision to allow up to one million migrants into the country this year.

Source : daily mail


CaliforniaKate, San Jose, United States
Whether or not you agree with this movement, backlash was inevitable. A leader cannot make drastic decisions that affect the people without consulting the people first and not expect an angry response

William, London
This is a huge conspiracy, every European nation is going through this and none of us wanted these immigrants. Europe has been irreversibly changed forever and if we don't do something now we will be gone forever. Our governments are all Marxist traitors.

campolife42, Alicante, Spain
There are a lot of people throughout Europe behind the demonstrators. Merkel has well outstayed her welcome.

Justin_stacy, Overland Park, United States
Bravo to them...but their country's lost to the evils of political correctness and cheap labor.

Mohogwash Al Dandi, Ottawa, Canada
What is Merkel's motivation for bringing in a million muslims in a single year? Imagine the culture shock for both the Germans and the immigrants. Is her policy to Germany's long term benefit? If so, how?

already1984, Chonburi, Thailand
If you think its bad now,wait until 10 years have passed,the west will no longer be the same

Lk2comnt, Kingston, Canada
There should have been 8,000,000 people demonstrating this insanity

romaamor, Toowoomba, Australia
One thing about the Germans, they stand for what they believe- no PC crap there.

Dublin Lady, Dublin, Ireland
Merkel the traitor!

Mohogwash Al Dandi, Ottawa, Canada
What is Merkel's true motive for bringing in a million Muslim refugees this year alone? How is this to Germany's long term benefit?

Scot Free, England, Canada
Germans are well within their rights to bring down the Merkel Misgovernment.

dumbanddumber, auckland, New Zealand
what is the purpose in changing a countries population make up in a short time.

dixie62, Greenville SC, United States
Why is this not the lead story?

Sydneysider58, Now living in Taree, Australia
Why are the non-Syrians being housed and settled? I thought this was for Syrians, not every man and his dog.

Scot Free, England, Canada
The German Government full of 'Hard left wing extremists' calling those who dont agree with them 'Hard Right wing extremists' - you couldnt make it up.

Polly, Taipei, Taiwan
Where do I sign up for this demonstration?

kittie is my cat, albuquerque new mexico, United States
I would question ... Is Merkel really german.? Why is she so bent on letting all these people just walk in ? It's going to cause the most terrible situation no country is prepared to do it as things are already tough enough for the citizens everywhere in all of Europe and England. ..

Sydneysider58, Now living in Taree, Australia
What happens when govt officials, the armed forces, civil servants, etc are told by the the Government to support her measures to ensure settlement, and to oppose German people who stand in the way. But these civil servants etc say "But we agree with the people, we feel the same"? Would a German Army refuse to carry out orders to force Germans out of their homes or villages or do police duties? And Merkel who wanted others to follow her lead has abysmally failed. Other states looking on will be saying No Thanks.

Smoothgroovey, Connemara, Ireland
I honestly think this mass immigration will end in tears eventually.

InfoMan Us, Portland, United States
Why is Merkel still in office? Don't the Germans have a way to remove her - Impeachment or whatever?

expat17, stockholm, Sweden
Hopefully Merkel will see sense and reverse her stupid policies

Chiliboots, NYC
This Merkel Clown needs to be thrown out.

Gatorman, Florida
I love how people standing up for their culture and rights are deemed to be "hard right" extremists. They are patriots!

MangoMan, Singapore, Singapore
So, when will the madness end? It's almost too late.

JoeBiding, chicago
Merkel is PURE EVIL. Nothing else can describe her.

lilyzali, shah alam, Malaysia
i can understand the old, children, women. But not young, abled bodies of young man. Shameful.

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