At least 20,000 Britons were stranded in Egypt last night as the airline terror crisis escalated.
Yesterday UK and US both said crash may have been caused by ISIS bomb.
Britain announced all flights between Britain and Sharm are suspended.
Source : daily mail
Gok Wan, errr UK, United Kingdom
Although these attacks can happen anywhere these days I wouldn't personally be going anywhere near the Middle East or even Turkey any more
G. LE CONQUERANT, Normandie, France
Don't travel to the Middle East!
ClaudiaLorenz, La Rochelle, France
Sadly they will just move to the next airport .. horrifically this is much bigger than any of us can imagine. We need all our country leaders to act now and stop anymore needless atrocities.
Madridboy, Madrid, Spain
Extra checks? Haha I assume they actually mean checks.
TrollyDolly, Cardiff
As well as the innocent victims I feel so sorry for the Egyptian people who work so hard in the tourist industry. They totally rely on holiday makers to make a living. This is likely to bring the region to its knees like Tunisia.
penny sweet, golden, United States
My Dad is going in a few days, I wish he wouldn't go I am going to worry myself crazy!! He is going from UK.
Suns out guns out, Ballygobackwards, Ireland
Used to enjoy travelling regularly to Egypt including Sharm, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan found the people very hospitable and intelligent with wicked dry humour and everyone wanted to talk about England. Fantastic sights, food, weather. Of course this was all 15/20 years ago and I find it very sad how things have changed so quickly and that I may never return again.
Jonathan Frame, Fairfax, United States
Europe needs to rethink how it's handling its refugee crisis. Allowing millions of those people in will only make it easier for terr0rists to commit these crimes from European Airports. A worse tragedy might happen if they keep letting refugees in unimpeded.
james, puerto del rosario
Better to be stranded than dead like those poor Russians and their families.
Zinc, West Harbour New Zealand
I'll gladly swap another 2 hours at check-in for a chance of seeing tomorrow.
WILLIAMDAY, Atherton, United States
The izlamification of Europe continues unabated. Within 50 years Europe, with the exception of Hungary will resemble Pa kist an more then the Europe of today unless you rise up, maybe r e v o l u t i o n s are in order, maybe its the only thing that can be done to stop it. Otherwise RIP Europe. Feel bad for all those that fought at died for these countries just to see them destroyed in this way. I hope you care about your current/future grand children enough to do something.
WILLIAMDAY, Atherton, United States
Want just ONE of several examples of how Mo slimes ruin a country? Lebanon. Once it was majority Chris tian, at that time it was beautiful and a very popular tourist destination, now it has turned into a cesspool because of guess who? Mo slimes. Egypt, Syria, etc all were non Mo slime and thriving at one time. What happened? Mo slimes. Lets be real and not sugarcoat things shall we? Mo slimes are a cancer and a plague, they do NOT integrate! They want things their and their way only! They WILL destroy our countries from within! FACTS!
Noto4, Durango, United States
Guess I'll have to see the pyramids in another life. You'll never catch me over there.
ApologyGirl25, Tuross Head, Australia
It's only a matter of time before a bomb is sneaked through Heathrow. Last time I went through security, my 3 year old daughter was such a security threat, three security staff and a metal detector were required to frisk a small child in tight fitting t-shirt and leggings. Meanwhile I counted 4 people in disguise with the robes and eyes just showing get waved through with no body scan or pat down. It would be very easy to conceal explosives under those loose fitting garments. I wrote to Heathrow airport security voicing my concerns but they pulled the "can't be seen to be discriminatory" card. Why not scan and pat everyone - then there is no discrimination?!!!!!
joninaus, Melbourne, Australia
What makes ISIS so dangerous is that they have no demands; their only demand is the death of everyone not with them.
RawrZ, Alaska, United States
Why anyone who cares about themselves, or their families would wake up one day and think it a good idea to visit the most war ravaged region on earth is beyond me. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
MangoBear, Nuuk, Greenland
Not all of us have a choice about flying to Egypt. Airline crew have to go where they are rostered.
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