Title: First of 750 migrants arrive in tiny German village with a population of just 102
Author: ANGEL
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In early October, Sumte's mayor, Christian Fabel, was informed by the district government that his village had to accommodate 1,000 r...

In early October, Sumte's mayor, Christian Fabel, was informed by the district government that his village had to accommodate 1,000 refugees in empty office buildings.
Although the number of refugees was reduced to 750 in a small concession to the villagers, the influx is testing the limits of tolerance in Sumte and across Germany and driving a wedge in the conservative camp of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Source : daily mail


Gran, Glos
This is just the beginning ............. to be so massively outnumbered in your own village ....or town.... is bound to cause civil unrest wherever it is . The politicians have got it SO WRONG it's unbelievable .

Doggiesdoodahs, somewhere else, United Kingdom
Well, WTF do the authorities in Germany expect ?

Shrew, manchester, United Kingdom
Oh dear! Mama Merkel has created a perfect storm with her big mouth.

Kim Jong-Uns Stylist, Surveillanceton, Vatican
Poor Germany.

Tara, Christchurch, New Zealand
Everytime I read an article about the crisis in Europe, im always appalled at the pictures showing young, healthy looking men and no women and children. I would be deeply ashamed to have fled my country instead of fighting for it and leaving them behind to die. Shameful.

Farandaway, Kelowna, Canada
The only person to blame for this is Merkel!!! Remove her from office and throw her in jail.

Walnuts007, Bath, Madagascar
The Irish government have refused to take in these refugees who have paid people smugglers thousands of pounds, instead they are taking in genuine refugees directly from camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon who are genuine and cant afford to pay people smugglers.

aceventura, Selangor, Malaysia
Merkel has gone mad to subject the German people to such cruelty ! What a dictator she is !!

Hans Schaefer, Arrecife, Spain
Never a better picture as the one with the crumbling EU sign! EU invaded by muslims.

stargate, N VA, United States
things are going to get very much uglier before the "decision makers" open their eyes as to what they are creating.

volcano, Somewhere, Italy
Anyone surprised?

mearepaige, NJ, United States
So then technically it wont be a german town anymore. All this is so twisted.

Derek, Dublin, Ireland
Merkel the monster, look at the monster you created

Take the Red Pill, Angeles City, Philippines
Expect a 1000% increase in the crime rate their. And at least 10 of the residents dead within 12 months. This is the end of Europe as we know it. Me personally I'm looking forward to being able to have 4 wives that can't back chat or moan.

Kennedy77, Hesse, Germany
In other news, many residents are being kicked out from their rent apretment to make room for these 'poor' people.

Bonnie, Hamburg, Germany
As stated by our Interior Minister, Germany will send back all refugees from Afghanistan and the Balkans as well as Georgia. Let's hope so, by goodness!

n00000, none, United Kingdom
Our future!!

Raised Eyebrows, Cheshire, United Kingdom
If so, it will just be the beginning I fear.

commonsense or what, salzburg, Austria
Do you really want to be party to this type of political tyranny??????

Ossie, Perth, Australia
This is only the beginning, just wait until they start demanding everything for free that the ordinary man has to work for, Merkel is insane

HumbertoES, Benidorm, Spain
Picture 14 says it all: that the EU is falling into pieces.

Walnuts007, Bath, Madagascar
Merkel you have destroyed Germany for generations to come

Morgan Daniels , New York, United States
Neo-Nazi? I'd be offended, I'm not a Neo-Nazi and I do oppose this strongly.

AcrossthePond, ex pat, United States
Cowards running from their home countries.

expat, usa, United States
And running from the draft - military service.

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