Russian jet plane crashed in Egypt killing all 224 on board on Saturday.
An investigator with access to the devices ruled out the possibility it was the result of an engine failure, saying the noise was not consistent.
Source : daily mail
Xpat73, Boston, United States
Whatever Egypt says happened, just make it the opposite and you will be correct.
Jonathan Frame, Fairfax, United States
Hopefully that means Obama and Cameron will start taking the threat of ISlS seriously and commit to wiping out these scumbags, The threat they pose is real.
Xpat73, Boston, United States
Time for Dave and Sam Cam to go on holiday I would have thought....and let Vlad sort it out.
iOld Chap, Caribbean, Grenada,
I am left wondering why anyone from Britain would even consider a holiday in the Middle East when there are so many safer and more beautiful places to go
WILLIAMDAY, Atherton, United States
Hundreds of thousands of 'moderate' so called peace-loving Mo slims recently marched in the streets to protest against the publishing of cartoons which offended their sensitivities. Why are these same people not marching now, when much worse things than cartoons are happening in the world, in the name of their faith?? Since I never see hundreds of thousands of 'moderate' Mo slims marching in the streets against what isis does then I will draw my own conclusions.
WILLIAMDAY, Atherton, United States
Face it people, the only way we will ever be safe from mo slimes is by kicking every last one of the out of our countries. But what do we do? We let then in by the hundreds of thousands. When you get cancer you cut it out not inject more cancerous cells or one day the cancer kills you
David_from_San_Diego, San_Diego_California_USA, United States
Putin: Stop worrying about the politics of this. We need to focus on our mutual enemy.
Richard UK taxpayer, Federal non democratic EEC, Spain
It seems likely that the Egyptians are doing all and everything to deny any chance that it was a bomb, to protect their tourist industry. What they do not realise is that it will, and is, having the opposite effect.
WILLIAMDAY, Atherton, United States
Not sure about you but I for one am tired of all the trouble and chaos mo slimes are causing worldwide. Its getting to the point that our everyday lives are affected by them in some way, shape or form.
Jacque, bremen, Germany
What Cameron and his government did were right at the time. Regardless of what other countries may think, the safety and the well being of the United Kingdom people is paramount.
Andrewjames1, Cardiff
So much suffering in this world due to religion. And yes, Isis are very very religious people, it's a plausible interpretation of is lam.
mstribbo, Shanghai, China
To read some of these comments I am tempted to think we are all a bunch of idiots. So is Cameron supposed to wait for months for the 'official' crash report and in the meantime keep flying people in & out of an airport which according to all I have read is less than secure? When all the circumstantial evidence points to a bomb on board and IS are also claiming responsibility? We do this because we don't want that nice guy Vladimir Putin to look bad in front of his loyal subjects? Wake up people, Cameron made the right call whether you like him or not
Michael-3245, Seattle, United States
I wonder if Putin will actually target Isis now?
frank, Green Bay, United States
So if I understand Guy Walters' safe travel recommendations correctly, tourists should avoid resorts in any country that has a predominantly Musl im population.
andycapp, Bremen, Germany
When a plane comes down, one of the first things that an investigator does is look for the four corners and how far they are apart. This imediately gives clues as to whether the plane broke up before or after impact. The wider the debris is spread, the more likely the plane broke up in the air. This is common sense! A bomb usually means that a part or sometimes many parts are scattered away from the main wreckage! I don't think I have to say more as the images above will lead everyone to the correct conclusion!
Fantasy Girl, Barcelona, Spain
Bloody! So difficult to travel because of them.
Kim, Setubal, Portugal
The intelligence services are working hard to conceal their sources which is only reasonable.
kapa, Vienna, Austria
Totally agree with DC suspending flights to/from Sharm, better safe than sorry. I certainly wouldn't want to go anywhere near there.
du Vallon, Midwest, United States
Egypt is furious that Britain has revealed that they haveintelligence information indicating it was teror because it hurts their tourist business and Russia is furious that England would acknowledge that because it indicates that Pootin got slapped in the face for his interference in a mid east squabble. Neither one of them is furious because anyone is lying. Nor do they contradict it, they just don't want anyone actually mentioning it so they have room for denial. They can dance around the issue all they want. Planes don't just fall out of the air, and when they DO fall out of the air with internal scorch marks and shrapnel holes from metal pieces shooting OUT from INSIDE the plane then the rest of us will draw the obvious conclusions.
Greg69, bangkok, Thailand
The catering trolleys loaded into the rear of the passenger section are an obvious way to by-pass security being themselves metal and usually loaded at the last minute. Check the caterers!!
Kim Rong Un, Pyongyang, Spain
Why are they being grilled by British spies, let the Russians loose they wont pussyfoot around, they will get answers a lot faster than we ever would.
Evie, Vancouver, Canada
I should think Putin would be happy to know it was outside influences at work rather than their own employees at fault or aircraft that wasn't maintained. I believe it was a terrorists bomb, I saw the piece of plane where it was torn outwardly. Isis laid claim to the bomb, what more do you need to know it was them. I don't understand people anymore, everyone is pretending things aren't happening. I can understand Egypt, it's their country that's going down the pan without tourism. Egypt needs to get with the program and clean up their security screening act.
ExPatUSA, Philadelphia
When will people wake up and realize that you cannot have holidays in mus l I'm countries? After what's been going on the past few years there are still hundreds of thousands of brits willing to risk their families lives for some sun
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