Title: U.S. Should Be Appalled by Japan's Historical Revisionism
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
If Imperial Japan was the victim in WWII, than Harry Truman, not Hideki Tojo, must be the war criminal. Tokyo’s revisionist logic is...

  • If Imperial Japan was the victim in WWII, than Harry Truman, not Hideki Tojo, must be the war criminal.
  • Tokyo’s revisionist logic is centered on the premise of Japan being victimized by the Allied powers
  • Unlike in Europe, history revisionists in Tokyo are not limited to isolated neo-Nazis and skinheads.

Source : The Nationa Iinterest


Dennis Halpin, THANK YOU, sir, for writing this. It seems to me because we consider Japan to be our allie now, while China as an adversary, we are shying away from calling out Japan for its revisionist views. However, by doing so we are allowing our national conscience to be compromised while losing the moral leadership of the free world. Asian countries (and the world) will no longer see the U. S. as a steadfast leader, but just a greed merchant who sides with whoever is beneficial at the time. While I greatly respect and admire Douglas MacArthur, in his drive to check the communist and revitalize Japan, he made a grave mistake some 70 years ago by giving a blanket amnesty to Japan's royal family and reducing/minimizing the criminals brought to justice by the IMTFE.

Thank you Dennis Halpin for telling the truth.

Japan must bend over and take the rod of shame

 Anonymous → jmjoker
They have none. Not for the war. Not for their war crimes. Not for what they did to their fellow Asians. They never will. They haven't changed one bit in 70 years.

  scottindallas → Anonymous
and us? Lindberg and many other Americans said Japan didn't do anything we didn't. So, when do we come to terms? The Atomic Bombs were unnecessary as Japan had negotiated surrender terms in May. But, we wanted to drop the bomb to put the Soviets on notice.

   Kochigachi → scottindallas
Your statement doesn't make any sense, are you implying that U.S was the bad guy and Japan was good guy? Well, since you're so ignorant on other Asian who suffered in hands of Japan. For billions of Asian it was justified for Japan to firebombed by U.S.

   anon9370 → Kochigachi
The allies were the bad guys. Allied actions paved the way for the 100 million deaths during the red reign of terror in China. All of which would have been prevented if Japan had prevailed.

   mike no → anon9370
At the time (1940's) Japan was worse than Cancer. It had to be destroyed. Have you traveled much? Have you ever talked to people who were alive and fought the Japanese during the war? I had a uncle who was captured at Bataan and he gave me a interest in the war (my father was in the European War) so I read what I find from many different views. There are some museums in China you should visit.

   A-L → anon9370
Your screen name says it all. No one takes your opinion or you as a person serious.

   Reality Check → anon9370

   Spencer → scottindallas
Chemical weapons, comfort women, killing of several millions of people, at war with all nations in the region. Then you have the kamikaze and various suicide units.

The atomic bombings likely speeded up the surrender of Japan but more importantly made unconditional surrender much more possible. Also to show the soviets, yes but a better way to save face for Japanese leadership. The fact that they surrendered less than a week after the bombings suggests that it did have an impact. You would have to ignore the situation over the past couple years in Japan to really think that the atomic bombings were the worst of it. In reality they were planning on defending the island which would have meant ridiculous losses on both sides even equipping civilians with bamboo pikes. Another part is the already progressing Soviet invasion of the north islands of Japan after the its in Manchuria. Even today Japan never signed a peace treaty with Russia.

I-RIGHT-I → jmjoker
You're thinking of Tom Cruise again joker. Stop that!

My uncle was on the Bataan Death March and was a POW until the end of
the war. real7777truth can dream of whatever he wants, but he is still
in a dream world. We should have dropped the third bomb on the emperor
hirohito's palace, and if he somehow survived, he should have been hung.

 Anonymous → willowglen
We owe Japan nothing. They owe us and the rest of Asia whom they victimized. Tokyo can go jump into the Pacific.

 anon9370 → willowglen
Your uncle was a throwaway pawn sent to his death by the ZOG to make the international Zionist bankers rich.

  mike no → anon9370
You and scott must be bro and sister, neither one of you know any history

   too_funny → mike no
it's because they only know the version taught in japan.

   mike no → too_funny
Listening to Polit and scott I understand where the word dumb comes from. How can a nation as developed as Japan turn out such stupid people? I had a uncle who was stationed at Bataan, like another guy here, and he talked of many things that happened during the war, all bad. He ended up in Japan at the end of the war. You would think the pictures of the war would make intelligent people see what they did. Maybe these Japanese are just dumb.

 RisingSun → willowglen
I have to say "Bataan Death March" was overly exaggerated and maybe a propaganda. The entire route was only 75 miles, with 30 miles of it were by railroad. Meaning PoWs only had walked 15 miles a day for 3 days. You can measure this using Google map.

Japanese soldiers had walked along with PoWs, carrying 60lb of their basic
equipment on their shoulders. Japanese had to share rations as well, since more than estimated soldiers had surrendered. Spreading of malaria infections were unfortunate, but if thousands were truly dying simply from 15 miles a day of walking, I got to say those conscripted American soldiers were to soft, and weren’t war-ready. MacArthur shouldn't have left them there. Or maybe MacArthur was trying to blame Japan for his own shame of leaving these young soldiers and had a vacation in Australia?

David Kuo
I told you guys before again and again. Japanese has never though it was their fault to occupy Korea, invaded China and other east and south Asian countries. Japanese has never forgotten who dropped the two super sweet candies on it and Japan is always seeking chance to attack China and re-occupy Korea, Vietnam, Philippine, etc. again. Of course, the ultimate revenge is to attack US by nukes to get even on the nuke attack on Japan near the end of WW II.

James Huang
Look, if Abe lie on text book, then we should pull out of Okinawa. The Okinawans don't want us there and Abe should know he can't have his cake and eat it too.

 Anonymous → James Huang
Let Japan furnish their own defense. They can take care of themselves. Who needs them? All they have received since WWII is a free ride on American protection while they dump their products on us, while preventing us from entering their markets.

  Guest → Anonymous
Today Japan pays for the cost of the U.S forces stationed there. Look into it if you don't believe me. I'm not lying and I know what I'm talking about.

   Kochigachi → Guest
and Japan paid no compensations for their war victims. Japan is paying up coz they need U.S protection.

  Peter Guardino → Guest
real7777truth: Hey, Japp, you were required to return to China everything you took. All you were allowed to keep were your four main islands.

Well said Mr. Halpin. Unfortunately, Mr. Abe's support runs deep and Rome or in this case the whitewashing of history wasn't built in a day. In our eagerness to embrace Tokyo in the face of the China challenge, I'm afraid truth is the only victim in the face of expediency.

 scottindallas → Golgolta
what about our whitewashing, the author does plenty on our behalf. the ignorant author is the revisionist. The US embargo of Japaneses
oil, an act of war by the way, means the Pearl Harbor attack cannot be
deemed "unprovoked" Indeed, the Jurists on the Asian equivalent of the
Nuremberg tribunals found Japan justified in attacking at Pearl Harbor,
sorry. And, it's notable that none of our carriers or latest ships
were in Hawaii that day. We fight against Japan was indeed to protect
Western Colonialism in the Pacific.

  cowcatcher1 → scottindallas
I dearly hope you're scott in Dallas,New Jersey. It would be quite embarrassing if you were from Texas. First off,at the beginning of WW2,America produced 80% of the worlds' oil. To cut off exports to an aggressive nation,is NOT an act of war. Countries embargo all the time,i.e. Iran,Russia. America was officially neutral. The only involvement we were undertaking was Lend-Lease which only involved the European theater. The Flying Tigers were assisting China at the time,but it was a volunteer effort without official U.S. support.For you to sit there on your ignorant butt and try and gloss over Japanese atrocities,verified by survivor and film evidence is beyond belief. My father and an uncle fought there,and if they were still around,would love to have a little sit down with you.Obviously young feller,history wasn't one of your better subjects.

The revisionist view works very well inside Japan, and it goes to show how further apart Japan will be isolated in the international society. This illogic logic, aka Abe-logic, verges on a fanatic thinking. Someone has to stop this run-away train before it actually ignites a real war, dragging US with it. The National Interest's attempt to stop it from happening should be applauded.

Not surprising, there is a great deal of ignorance in Japan on Japan's role in ww2. Those that do know and peddling this junk are doing some incredible mental gymnastics while disregarding some several decades of history.

President Obama should directly and unabashedly denounce Japan's revisionism-
Heck, if I was him, I would threaten Japan and command them to apologize, remove the war criminals from Yasukuni, write their textbooks accurately, and burn down Yushukan or we'll pull out and let China bomb them and we'll make 100% economic sanctions against them

 scottindallas → jmjoker
you need to cool your jets, the author is a clown and guilty of American revisionism. the ignorant author is the revisionist. The US embargo of Japaneses
oil, an act of war by the way, means the Pearl Harbor attack cannot be
deemed "unprovoked" Indeed, the Jurists on the Asian equivalent of the
Nuremberg tribunals found Japan justified in attacking at Pearl Harbor,
sorry. And, it's notable that none of our carriers or latest ships
were in Hawaii that day. We fight against Japan was indeed to protect
Western Colonialism in the Pacific.

  Kochigachi → scottindallas
I knew it, you're Japanese troll masquerading as American. Stop using fake ID.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were lies- the Japanese people bombed its own people there and then blamed the Americans for it-
This fact is as true as Mr. Abe's version of history

Japanese are likely to lie according to world's lying index just showing how cunning & calculative and untrustworthy Japanese are. Never trust Japanese again.

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