Title: China ends one-child policy: state media
Author: ANGEL
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China abandoned its one-child policy yesterday in an attempt to defuse the economic time bomb of a rapidly ageing population. Source : ...

China abandoned its one-child policy yesterday in an attempt to defuse the economic time bomb of a rapidly ageing population.

Source : YAHOO! NEWS


Sam Power
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I guess the Chinese are foreseeing a slave shortage.

Its time we adopt it in parts of Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore...etc., so we can stop this knee from growing

How do they plan on FEEDING this new population? They have starving people all over that country now. I suppose our #$%$ white house will be sending our food there since he doesn't give a damn about hungry and homeless Americans.

China has screwed themselves. The population demographics is so out of natural balance the economic consequences are only a small part of the problem. The human impact is going to be worse than an all out war in China.

So the first responsible human reproduction policy has been withdrawn. We live in a dying world that is being crowded by WAY too many people. Every problem has its root in overpopulation. Pollution, extinction, desertification, famine, war, global warming, etc all can be traced to a planet that has too many people. China did the right thing by reigning in its peoples desire to have 5-10 babies each. As a result, it has flourished. But we need a one-child policy on a global level. These rates of reproduction cannot be sustained, unless you are fine with a miserable quality of life for all future generations. It WILL continue to get worse, MUCH worse.

Liberals should be crying as the population boom will destroy the environment.

I'm glad there will be more beautiful Chinese people around.

 → E 
That Chinese dude looks like a scarecrow with small eyes. Just today I was talking with a Chinese lady who was boasting about getting pregnant from a Caucasian dude.

The one-child policy was a good thing for China and the world but could have been better executed in order to prevent gender imbalance. A combination of a "boy tax" and "girl subsidy" that together had a net effect of making it no less financially favorable to have a baby of one girl over the other while not adversely affecting China's balance sheet would have solved the problem.

Most Americans still of think China as it was in the 1950s and '60s. No one is starving there, there is a growing middle class, they are as trendy as people anywhere in the world, and they are way more tech savy than the average person in Europe or the US. What you need to worry about is that the traditional solution to a flagging economy is to get into a war, and only one guess who it will be with.

Great, another couple of billion people in an already crowded world population.If you want to feel how it is to never have any privacy now, just visit China today. There is always someone right next to you. Morning,Noon and Night. And this is before the population explosion that is coming. But don't worry, cause it's only your grandchildren that will feel the brunt of this unchecked multitude to be. You and, thankfully, I will be long gone before then.

Teach your children CHINESE FAST ... Once the reproduction factory is up and running .. it will be the only Language left on planet earth..

There are over 30,000,000 more men than women in China due to this policy. The reason is that boys are desired over girls and a couple could have only one child or be penalized by a demotion if you were a government worker or the taking of your personal property as punishment. Infanticide of girls was common and still happens.

China is producing an army that cannot be defeated in a ground war. The history of mankind continues to march forward...

Excellent way to prepare for WAR.

China knew they are about to loss thousands of people if the war breaks. They need somebody to replace them. No more fetus soup for the meantime.

There are many different rules to the one-child policy. Farmers were allowed to have 2 children for a long time. If a child was born with a birth-defect, the parents could petition to have another child. My wife is Chinese. She is the oldest. Her brother was born next but has many physical issues. So, a little sister was born several years later. The baby sister came after bribing an official. So, the 3 daughters take care of their parents and give some support to their brother, too. My mother-in-law comes from a large farm family (10+ children). Most were born in the early-1940s to mid-late 1950s. I believe that is why she never gave up a baby.

China is another example of leftist idiocy! They forbid women having more than one child for decades and the result was many couples when the women got pregnant had an ultrasound to check the gender of the baby. If it was a girl they were often aborted and the situation has caused a crisis where millions of men are unable to find wives. This reminds me of what the left has done here in the states and in Europe. They urged women for years to abort their babies here and in Europe and now they cry we don't have enough people for jobs they claim we need to import Muslims and third world people to save jobs and bolster the economy because of a graying workforce. And can we forget how Hollywood loonies and the left supported zero population for years. They said we needed to stop having so many children because humans now take up to much of the planet. The ever changing world of the liberal loony. One thing we do know is, if the world wants to survive, don't listen to them.

Once people used to the great life with no/few kids, no way they will go back to more kids! Especially for Chinese parents, they make too much sacrifice for their kids for their education! The cost is too high!

Aging or not there are still way to many of them. Their wealth and power as revealed their expansionist agenda. Resources are power and they are hellbent on being in the drivers seat. They need more factory and soldiers to secure there plans. China's government the rich ruling class would throw away their people like toilet paper in a war if it would make them one dollar richer.

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