Gun control advocates are launching a new regulatory push in California to impose first-in-the-nation instant background checks for ammunition sales, a move that comes as gun violence surfaces as a lightning rod issue in the 2016 presidential race.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democratic candidate for governor in 2018, joined with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in announcing the initiative last week.
But the National Rifle Association said Newsom's effort would chip away at Second Amendment rights.
Polls have shown California voters are generally more supportive of restricting access to guns than voters in other states.
Source : foxnews
Really glad I don't live in such a screwed up state.
liberals are soooo ignornant stupid! the difference between large capacity magazines and two normal ones involves a second and far less jamming.
Leave my 2nd amendment rights alone! Period! End of story!
There is just one small problem - convicted felons already are a prohibited firearm ownership class. "require felons to turn in their firearms". LOL Geeze people, the law, here in CA is already on the books!!!! Inform yourselves. smh
Glad I don't live in that cess pool called California, anyway it's a mute issue on background checks for ammo, the smart ones will do as I have done for years > load your own ammo.
LMBO, who ever heard of criminals relinquishing their weapons? :-D
So this is to keep ammo out of the hands of criminals that are already not allowed to have guns?
If we were smart we would give CA back to mexico.
Classic liberal move. Chipping away at our rights one little piece at a time. Incrementalism at it's best.
If you can't stop the mentally ill from buying guns now, who will this new proposal stop them from buying ammo? It won't Gavin Newsome is just trying to make a name for himself. This whole idea is just a liberal joke.
Why would anyone live in that miserable state??????
Go on the record Libbies so we can determine how smart you are. What would the percentage decrease be in gun related deaths if this passed? Cite specific examples of previous gun deaths that this exact change in laws would have been guaranteed to prevent.
If you don't break any laws, why would this background check bother you?
Violation of the 2nd Amendment. Would push for impeachment for anyone violating the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Also, that does include Obama and someone should start the proceedings, NOW!
Can you say desperate infringement. California. Who is going to pay for this?
Will they use the same background checks for welfare recipients, foodstamp collectors, and section 8 housing abusers?
The poorest Americans cant afford to exercise their second amend right as is it is. Keep it up and the revolutionary war is going to look like a fireworks display.
California can't even keep illegal immigrants off of the streets. How are they going to keep illegal guns off of them?
Instant background checks for ALL VOTERS!!!!!
Just walk in and say "I am a fruit tart" and they cannot deny selling you ammo.
CA is a lost cause. Just cut the gangrenous limb from the body so the rest of us can survive.
So I buy a case of ammo in Nevada. Something which is perfectly legal. Then I take it home with me to California. Bullets are bullets. How will someone know where the bullets are purchased? Once again, politicians propose "see me do something" laws and all the lemmings follow right along without every stopping to think.
hey on the other hand, making it hard to buy ammo in crapifornia may increase the supply where i'm at.
More common sense security measures brought to you by the same people that dreamed up the TSA.
I've already got enough ammunition stockpiled for a lifetime....or a Civil War.
How can it be possible to have instant background check in CA for ammo to ensure you meet CA requirements, but not for voting to meet citizen requirements? Liberals wanting illegals to vote can be the only reason.
"Congress has failed to pass even the most basic laws to help keep guns out of dangerous hands and save lives," said Kate Folmar, spokeswoman for Everytown for Gun Safety, a group founded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
55000 gun laws already on the books federal, state ,local. Liberals are lying sacks of dog doo
You think a Walmart employee is going to be able to figure out how to do a background check? lol
Much like a straight to TV movie, this will go straight to court.
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