Title: Polish priest outs himself as gay with his partner and is immediately SACKED by Vatican officials
Author: ANGEL
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Father Krzystof Charamsa, who held a post in the Vatican's branch for protecting Catholic dogma, urged the Catholic church to chan...

  • Father Krzystof Charamsa, who held a post in the Vatican's branch for protecting Catholic dogma, urged the Catholic church to change its 'backwards' attitude to homosexuality
  • The Vatican insists his dismissal has nothing to do with his homosexuality
  • It said, however, that his timing put undue media pressure on tomorrow's synod of bishops, due to discuss homosexuality

Source : daily mail

The priest, who had held a post at the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith since 2003, later held a news conference with his partner and gay activists at a restaurant in Rome


Spanet Po, canton, United States
Aren't priests supposed to be celibate? ????

hedzup, Staunton, United States
No offense but the Catholic church would barely have any priests left if they all came out. Who are they kidding? What a bunch of hypocrites.

Mbpb, Ottawa, Canada
See the issue here is that God loves this man but HATES what he is doing. It's the same as when your child misbehaves, you don't hate your child your hate the action. If this man was a true catholic believer he would know that it is considered a sin in that religion to be gay. So why would a gay man enter into the priesthood? Does he think he will singlehandedly change religious dogma and all of a sudden homosexuality will just no longer be a sin? If you want to live liberally then you shouldn't stay out of conservative organizations.

Janni, New York, United States
He should be SACKED!! Bu-bye!

The Princess is Here, Peoria Arizona, United States
I don't understand why special interest groups continue to browbeat churches into going against their religious beliefs in order to appease them.

Poppy Donnegan, Sydney, Australia
Nice looking couple, BUT if you want a sex life, DON"T become a priest !

someone, somewhere
Well, I'm an athiest - but he's a priest and they aren't supposed to have sex with anyone. And they fired "Father Oprah" and Father Albert Cutié for having affairs with women and admitting it. So it isn't just g a y s they did this to.

Chris, Paris
A bit of research will tell you that despite guidelines from the 4th century the actual banning of marriage and the enforcement of celibacy didn't commence until the 12th century. So a scriptural rule it is not. It is a rule that can and should be changed.

BestCommentHere, Woodridge, Australia
Why would the Vatican obey the scriptures? What is their motive to agree with what the Bible clearly says is wrong, when in history their actions are disobedience snd condoning disobedience. The bible is definitely clear that this is a sin snd you can't argue with that.

wallstreetwoman, new York, United States
It's not because he was g a y. It'd because priests are not allowed to marry or be with anyone. You marry God so to speak. It was his choice. He took an oath to serve God. The catholic faith has rules. Many priests have been removed for having girlfriends too.

Mizme, Toronto
If heterosexual priests must be celibate and eschew women-friends, then the same applies to homosexual priests. If he wants a relationship, being a Catholic priest (in the Vatican, no less) is hardly the career path to follow.

charleston, Los Angeles, United States
Isn't he sweet? Did he forget about his vow of celibacy?

Annacatherine, Gothenburg, Sweden
He was defrocked for having a sexual relationship, as celibacy is mandatory to Catholic priests.

clara belle, New York
He was not sacked because he is gay. He was sacked because he has a partner and broke his vow of chastity.

janeOZ, perth, Australia
I am not a Catholic but the priests know what they sign up for (strange as it is) Jane

zellylou, Oslo, Norway
He took a vow of celibacy, that's why he was sacked. I disagree with that vow, and don't think his sexuality has anything to do with the sacking.

CarrieR, Athlone, Ireland
Whether he is gay or straight it doesn't actually matter as priests are meant to be celibate.

Jarrett, Aiken, United States
Catholic priests cannot have partners of any gender or orientation.

Lisamarguerite1130, Queenstown, United States
The issue is about celibacy not sexuality. The priest broke his vows regarding celibacy and needs to me sacked.

Observer, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
..whether we like it or not the Bible condemns homosexuallity in both the Old and New a priest of Christ he must observe the tenets of his faith.......celibacy is not a Biblical requirement of a priest but a requirement of those Ordained within the Roman Catholic faith......these points he knows and understands...

Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
I don't think they have problem with gay men at all, There must be a lot of them among priests. They just do not want to change any rules cause they do not want women to become priests or priest's wives.

Penguin, North Pole, United States
Why are the gays pushing themselves on EVERYONE NOW? This is ridiculousl! Leave the church alone. I will denounce my catholic faith if the church ever acknowledges this. Gays live your life, and let us live ours!

plowboy1921, alps, Switzerland
He is showing his true selfish personality, He knew he broke his vows and should have stepped down quietly.

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