Title: Obama orders US 50 special forces to fight ISIS in Syria
Author: ANGEL
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Washington (CNN) The United States is set to deploy troops on the ground in Syria for the first time to advise and assist rebel forces c...

Washington (CNN) The United States is set to deploy troops on the ground in Syria for the first time to advise and assist rebel forces combating ISIS, the White House said Friday.

Barack Obama has ordered up to 50 special operations troops to Syria, US officials announced on Friday, in an apparent breach of a promise not to put US “boots on the ground”, to fight Islamic State militants in the country.

Source : theguardian



Nobel peace price, wut?
BG Davis 
"Obama administration to announce small troop deployment in Syria."
This is very, very clever. If they are small enough, they can slip in and out undetected, and even if seen they make very difficult targets. The US can save its larger troops for other areas.


This could become the permanent money hole the military industrial complex has been hoping for. The Russians are even back...
Katerina Schevshenko 
Dumb. Of course, Obama wasn't around to see what happened in Vietnam with advisors. And knowing his interest in himself vs. history, I don't expect he understands the consequences of boots on the ground in Syria.
Stay out of Syria!

I'm so tired of "nation building" and having our nose in everyone's business. We can't even take care of ourselves at home.

Do they even know what they are doing? I am not filled with much confidence.

I seem to recall reading that in 1955 the US first began sending 'advisors' to aid South Vietnam. Only a handful. By 1963 we had 16,000 in the country. How did that end for us again?

Oh god. Are they just going to shoot everyone, or try to pick out the Russians, Iranians, Islamic State and the Assad loyalists ?
In the absence of an attack against the US, and the absence of the immediate threat of attack, and the absence of a request from the Syrian government, they require a UNSC mandate to carry out these actions. They do not have a UNSC mandate therefore this action breaks international law.
Rocky J
Why is no one talking about the fact we are sending us troops to potentially be in areas being bombed by russia. Does this mean we are working with Russia because no one would let that happen right?


Expected from such a staunch member of the military-industrial-crazy-complex. He can now safely hand off his debacles to the next card-carrying leader of global chaos.

This will break not only international law but also US law. What happens when a Russian bomb kills one of these 'assistants'?

Translated: a proxy war with Russia with no end game in mind.

This is a big mistake. The Middle East needs to sort things out for themselves. The only winning strategy for the US is to stay out.
500 million to train 5 soldiers?.What are 30 advisors meant to do? Just leave Russia and Iran to possibly bring about a solution.The time to do something was 4 years ago,but probably would be no better today.

Why does he even say anything? Now the ISIS generals (who seem to be much smarter than the American high command) can spring traps. What is he going to do when they capture a Delta-Force guy and torture him on youtube? This WILL happen and then we WILL have to go all in. Anyway, where is the congressional approval for this fight? I really had hoped that Mr. Obama's administration wasn't going to degrade that much over time. I am deeply dissapointed.

Sounds to me the soldiers will be put in those anti-Assad forces that the Russians have been bombing thus possibly provoking a confrontation which of course will lead to SAM being deployed to protect our advisors which will lead to further Russian forces becoming involved
which will lead to more U.S. troops being sent which will lead to further involvement from both sides Ad Nausea .

Could someone please tell Obama that he needs a UN resolution authorising this? Otherwise it's illegal

It's easy to always criticize the Americans from the sidelines, but what's the solution? Should we allow ISIS to completely take over Syria and then threaten other neighboring states, while the entire Syrian population moves to Europe? If the Americans can do something on the margins to keep ISIS contained, I think it's a good thing.
Well, look at it this way: They gave the Nobel Peace Prize to Kissinger, too.

Christine D'Angelo 
Here we go again. Are we destined to repeat the same mistakes ad infinitum.


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