Title: Disturbing footage of John Lennon mocking disabled people leaves fans in shock
Author: ANGEL
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The Beatles idol can be seen pulling faces and doing offensive impressions. An old clip of John Lennon mocking disabled people has spar...

The Beatles idol can be seen pulling faces and doing offensive impressions.
An old clip of John Lennon mocking disabled people has sparked outrage.

Source : Disturbing footage of John Lennon mocking disabled people leaves fans in shock

In the video, the Beatles star can be seen pulling faces in offensive manner

Having seen the star's behaviour on stage, many people took to social media to express their shock.
Fans took to social media to express their shock and disgust at the footage.

Netizen comments

jaycee, Sutton Coldfield
In the 60's and 70's this behaviour was considered acceptable, as was treating young women as sex objects and groping. Not saying it's right, it's just the way it was and we got on with it

adamski05, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Different times, what are we going to do, put him on trial? Get a life!

SnowPrincess, somewhere remote, United Kingdom
I don't know why... he was a creep

Brewstersmillions, Middleofnowhere, Germany
The same scenes were shown in the anthology series several years ago and were just as disturbing to watch then. But they reflect society's attitude rather than just John Lennon's attitude. A lot has changed and improved since those days in terms of people's attitudes and John Lennon would not have been alone in acting in this way to the 'amusement' of others. While you are at it, why don't you take retrospective offence at 'comedy' shows such as "Love Thy Neighbour" where the whole series was based around the shock of a dark skinned family moving in next door, shock horror! I'm sure John Lennon himself would have been just as disturbed looking back at himself doing these things, if he had been allowed to live long enough. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a ............... by its toe. Fill in the blank depending on what you learned as a child and then see if your own attitude has changed for the better!

 → madge369, modena Italy, Italy
You're right! What about the tv shoe "Mind your langusge"? That show would never be aired today!

Momof3girls, la habra, United States
You want to know what sparks my outrage it's stories like this in the DM. What purpose does this story have except to defame a man who was killed outside his home 35 years ago. Was John always kind? No, but he was a musical genius, and he brought joy to millions of people. So go ahead and write your cra ppy stories and spread this sh it about him it really makes no difference He and the Beatles changed the world and not you or anyone else can take that away or change history. He was only 25 years old when that footage was taken. What did you accomplish before you were 30, did you change the world. Shut up and let him rest in peace.

 → Dave, Cleveland, Spain
Every one does stupid things at in their twenties that they may regret. Shame to have it memorialised on film. It's a politically different world today which you can see if you watch the whole show. We have all moved on since the sixties Let's just remember the pleasure of the music the artists have us which will live on with pleasure inside us.

oldman775, Iraklio, Greece
As a musician in the 1960s I met them all and John Lennon was the most unlikeable and unintelligent of them all. Whereas Paul & George were really nice guys and capable of having good intelligent conversation. That doesn't mean that John was not capable of producing some excellent songs, but he was rather self-centred.

Sid, Australia, Australia
Steady Eddie took a rise out of disabled people and he was greeted with adulation wherever he performed.

PerezHilton, Los Angeles, United States
I hope he gets kicked out of the band for this!

Poppy Donnegan, Sydney, Australia
As if most of us did not do something similar when young!

Joey Merkin, Paris, France
Perfectly normal, and yes, acceptable 50 years ago. There's a similar clip of Brian Jones walking like a cripple, as the disabled were ordinarily called, along what looks like a country road, with the other four laughing at his antics.

Dave, Cleveland, Spain
Every one does stupid things at in their twenties that they may regret. Shame to have it memorialised on film. It's a politically different world today which you can see if you watch the whole show. We have all moved on since the sixties Let's just remember the pleasure of the music the artists have us which will live on with pleasure inside us.

kagey3, Grimsby, United Kingdom
This was common place in the 60's .It's a very different world we live in now !

 → hunsthehun, Saarbrucken, Germany
What absolute nonesense. Mocking the disabled has never been, "common place". I was a teenager in the sixties, and it was just as frowned upon as it is today. Lennon was a POS anyhow, so why the surprise when something like this film footage surfaces. Outside of the usual sheep who let the MSM do their thinking for them, Lennon was considered a right plonker.

Playability, Cádiz, Spain
My fav Lennon quote - 'dump your girlfriend before Christmas so you don't have to buy her a pressie' - Nice guy! (Irony alert)

Murph, arnhem, Netherlands
This has been around for years.

gafas65, Malaga, Spain
Comes as no surprise to me.

Michael of NJ, Princeton, United States
Not a great addition to the highlight reel but in the mid 1960's Political Correctness wasn't even a blip on the screen. Different standards for different times.

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