Women who have never been in a relationship paying £5,000 to get pregnant
Taysa, Goiânia, Brazil
I just can't stand this society's selfishness.
ZeusNavigator, at sea, United States
Can't bash these ladies, after all "you know who" was born from a virgin mother.
Working Man, Lamneth, Canada
All called Mary?
all smoking mirrors, Dublin, Ireland
This is an unforeseen consequence of fertility treatment become more advanced , who would have thought so
Lt Frank Drebin, Los Angeles, United States
If you've never had a relationship how can you want the next stage of one? I'd happily exploit people who do this to be honest.
passinfrew, levin, New Zealand
Oh God! Another 25 Mary's to believe in There is already one too many .
Fems, Netherlands
As long as these women pay for the IVF and the upbringing of their child(ren), then how does it affect anyone else? These women are often better prepared (financially and emotionally) to have a child than someone who gets pregnant from a fling or a failed relationship. These children are wanted and have sensible mothers. I could think of worse parents. What I think is worse, is religious people deciding how others (most often, non-religious people) must live their lives, all based on an ancient book that was written by who knows who for who knows what kind of purpose.
Paluma, Mt Spec, Australia
Riveting news.
Ladyb, Toronto - Canada
Not sure a woman in her 20s is in a hurry to be a mom instead of enjoying life.
Ganzi, Limerick, Ireland
"Society sinks to new lows" It's 25 women.. Hardly the beginning of the end of the world.
Alwaysright, Kilkenny, Ireland
Are they gonna call the child Jesus?!!
One Nation Under God, Heaven, United States
Yet atheists scoff at baby Jesus and virgin Mary.
Finest Dutch, Amsterdam, Netherlands
WOW nowadays, even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. Who would have believed it huh, well well well ...
ObservantOne, New York, United States
I could maybe see it for an older woman but in the early 20s it seems ridiculous and immoral. There I said it.
Keith Expat Expat, Perth, Australia
And how many men want a relationship with a woman who has children already, and to raise another man's child? Not many - so they've severely restricted their future options.
Marcus A, Melbourne, Australia
Aldous Huxley's prescient dystopian novel , Brave New World , got it right. In 1932 !
AliPPhillips, Cairns, Australia
I don't really understand what would push a woman to have a baby with no help of a partner. I have a baby myself and I'm so glad my husband is here to help me because sometimes it's overwhelming. Also, having a baby without knowing how a child really is "made" sounds really hard to comprehend, but whatever works for them I suppose?!
IN-A-WORLD-OF-MY-OWN, TENERIFE. The Last Resort....., Spain
Anaphylaxis by sushi, Seoul, South Korea
Alright, preach as you like, happy ones with partners and children. But it is for the less happy ones without either of them. And thing will be more difficult here to do that, with all the conservative atmosphere, well the gender inequalities, and the social stigmas for unmarried mothers.
Kane, perth, Australia
dumd is as dumb does Just grab some one who you fancy ,pull them off and grab the turkey basters Honestly what sort of creativity are you capable of?
ALIA, Australia
I have known several strong and brilliant single mothers and fathers, so I know it can be done. But I hate that we have denigrated the role of parents in general, but fathers in particular, to the point where it's ok to plan to bring a child into the world without a father. This also goes for women choosing to have babies with useless or abusive fathers. Children deserve both parents, at the very least they deserve to know who their parents are.
MaoTseTung, Wuhan, China
paulmcny, Adelaide, Australia
How are they going to work out how much money the child needs to live when there is no father's income available?
The Squeezed Middle, Perth, Australia
Poor kids. "I wanted a baby to go with my new handbag and couldn't be bothered to find a person to love and cherish me and said baby so just whipped one up in a test tube that will never know it's father or grandparents or cousins". People need to know who they are and where they come from.
Lt Frank Drebin, Los Angeles, United States
Children are objects to the mentally disjointed. We talk about other cultures not meeting our standards, but we're getting up to stuff like this? The gender agenda in the West is making millions upon millions of people like this.
sarcastic, manuel antonio, Costa Rica
Why don`t they just go to a Bar or Night club and ask for a Boink ? easy as that.
slubgod, Sydney, Australia
Does that mean we can expect a flood of male babies being named Jesus ?
gregory scott, timaru, New Zealand
If she cant bring herself to have any sort of relationship to even conceive a child ,what sort of relationship can she expect to have with a child?
djs.specs, Brisbane, Australia
So these women are paying for IVF out of their own pockets? That would indicate that they're at least financially stable enough to support a child on their own. And since when have you needed to have had a romantic relationship in order to be a decent parent?
Jenna Saye-Reeyun, Victoria. B.C., Canada
Never been with a man, never had IVF. Lo and behold a new Messiah is born. It's a financial miracle, if I can just convince a national newspaper to fall for it. Cynical, me ? Never ! !
Me, Here, Canada
Well at least there will be no divorce and custody battle ! : ]
VictoriaV, Victoria, Canada
There is nothing new under the sun.
CppThis, USA
Sometimes I've wondered if there are female versions of me, curious about the whole personal-relationships thing but not in a position to have any social dealings with other people. It would appear the answer is yes.
Irving Canfield, Woodburn, United States
I once had a two-hour conversation with a psychologist who worked with women patients. I asked him if he could say one thing all women have in common. His answer came without hesitation: "They can convince themselves about anything."
Kit, Tulsa, United States
I'd rather they showed the maturity needed to choose and afford this procedure rather than lying to a guy about being on birth control to force him to pay the tab for her desire to become a mother...
David M Crider, Orlando, United States
This is a sign of the times: a Godless society devoid of love or the need for human companionship. Truly sad.
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