Title: France fires first airstrikes on extremists in Syria
Author: ANGEL
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Photo: Hasan Jamali, AP President Francois Hollande's office announced Sunday. Said France will continue to strike 'each tim...

Photo: Hasan Jamali, AP

  • President Francois Hollande's office announced Sunday.
  • Said France will continue to strike 'each time national security is at stake'

Source : Yahoo!NEWS


Silent Muslims around the world have brought this on themselves by sitting back and doing nothing about their radical Islamic brothers and sisters. Now they must pay with their lives.

Air strikes are fine, but sooner or later everybody will have to put boots on the ground, or this will go on, and on for fricking ever!

Amazing - both France, and Australia are fighting ISIS along with the US for over 1 year - but we hear of - No causalities or downed planes in any news reports -- and ISIS is still going strong ! What a crock

The European defense strategy should be closed borders and no immigration from Muslim countries.

The Leftnut Terrorist Party's Media Wing is making it sound like France is becoming a part of this huge coalition. Notice how people start moving when Obama is out of the picture & Russia starts to take over? I am an American, & even I have to laugh at Obama & his lunatic "strategies". Obama sucks.

Seeing how most Syrians are in Europe now, I guess it's a free pass to carpet bomb the whole country.

France will now be hit in return by all those Jihadists in France which the French let in, nice going France. America needs to learn that lesson before it lets that 100,000 refugees in. Yes, I know, America has to be Politically Correct. Barf.

France should worry about its Jihadis in Paris and Marseille not Syria.

Truth Is Treason In The Empire Of Lies
the russians caught a few terrorists by there base a few days ago with satellite images. LOL GEE i wonder who gave them that

Wolfowitz Doctrine
US puppets got to dance when their strings are pulled.

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