A masked man attacked a school in southern Sweden on Thursday before being shot by police. Health authorities said one teacher was killed and two students seriously wounded in the attack.
The school has 400 students, ranging from pre-school to high school.
raymond b
I hope this isn't the Denmark Bernie Sanders wants us to be like.We have our own nut jobs.
Now the Palestinians will need UN protection in Sweden too
What did Trollhattan do to deserve this?
Todd M
I wonder if the attacker is a filthy Moslem swine 'refugee'?
Did a Muslim do it?
But, but, but - Obama said this never happens any but in this country.
Oh, right - and I can keep my doctor too.
tom d
I can only wonder about the motive of this idiot, someone else to blame and not him. Why kids? I firmly believe people that inflict mass terror on schools should be killed immediately, no reason children should be victims. This goes for parents, also, who kill their kids.
Colorado Seahawk
This story is bogus. There is no way this could happen because a gun wasn't used. Only guns kill people. Oh, wait, a gun was used to shoot the bad guy.
Mad White Male
This can't be true, according to Ovomit this only happens in America. We Americans are BAD people and the European's are kind peaceful people
Eric M
So what who was this masked man was he a Swede with a grudge or was he a Muslim doing the Palestinian thing with his knife interesting they don't give any details and saying this who needs a gun to terrorize a school and kill people.
It couldn't possibly be a Muslim, could it? And when your markets and buses start exploding and your museums and churches burn, please don't wonder why.
Here's a motive for everyone wondering why people do this kind of thing. The media is making international celebrities out of these maniac's. It's never gonna' stop. It is now a fact of life and it is only going to get worse.
Muslim probably from Kenya.
Another amazing piece of journalistic - how shall I say - CR[A]P, which has told us less than nothing. Keep up the good work, I enjoy wasting my time reading stuff like this - very stimulating.
I know the media wants to get the news out fast, but telling only part of the news and not the whole story lacks in professionalism.
Barry S
I thought this didn't happen in other civilized nations?
rene 33
Fox news and CNN already said it is a Muslim. Case closed!
daniel n
Pan_Euro_ Victory
No description nor name of the suspect? It most certainly was not a Swede but a ZOG-imported mud person.
Well there goes obama's argument that this only happens in America and most of the crazy killers are liberal democrats but they don't want you to know that do they?
Herd to feel compassion for people who voluntarily brought trouble upon themselves.
how can this be ? Liberals keep telling me school violence is because of AMERICAN Gun owners. And that the solution is taking away guns from these owners and then never letting them buy anymore guns. This isn't suppose to happen elsewhere in the world. This is suppose to be a republican problem. Liberals wouldn't lie would they ?
Notice the article is careful not to tell WHAT they were attacked with, whether it be a gun, knife, hammer, or whatever.
Notice how the America hating a.p and ya-hu don't write what the killer was?
Typical from these cockroaches
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