Title: British mother of five who escaped ISIS in Syria reveals the truth of life under their evil regime
Author: ANGEL
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© moodboard/Corbis Shukee Begum left the UK last year to travel to an ISIS-held area of Syria She subsequently denounced ISIS and begg...
© moodboard/Corbis

  • Shukee Begum left the UK last year to travel to an ISIS-held area of Syria
  • She subsequently denounced ISIS and begged for help returning to Britain


coldwarzone, bourne end, United Kingdom
she should have her passport removed and told she cant come back we have to be tough and get rid of these people it will send a message that being allowed to live in the uk is a privilage that you will loose if you are our enemy

Lou Lou, Northampton
But we don't want you back

Bmonet, St augustine, United States
Back to Britain and on the dole

Nuclear Fire, Somewhere, South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
Nope! No! No! No! Do not pass go, do not collect £200! No! You made your bed to join these monsters and now you stay there. We. do. not. want. you. back. No! No! Rot in that hellhole with your religious zealot friends. NO!

thebigyin, somewhere nice, Spain
This woman is traitor and must never be allowed to return to her former life in UK - NEVER.

Kennedy77, Hesse, Germany
There are 2 classes in Europe, one group enjoy special benefits and get awAy with just about everything, despite least contribution to society . Then there is the rest of us. Laughing stock of the world. The Chinese, Americans, middle eastern are all laughing at us.

Sl123 , Dublin , Ireland
She should never be let back in. Let her live with the consequences of her decisions. And as for only going to convince her husband to return, I don't believe a word of it.

bob_001, Leeds, United Kingdom
If she really only wanted to persuade her husband to come back to the UK she would not have taken five children into one of the most dangerous war zones in the world. And there does not seem to be much sign of this husband actually renouncing extremism either.

P.Doff, Lancs, United Kingdom
So she decided to take her children to a war zone to try to persuade her husband to come back to the UK! Ok hands up everyone who can see the sense and reasoning behind her actions..............Nobody. Just how stupid does this woman think we are. She took them on a jolly to see their dad, she funded her trip from British benefits. She wanted to be an integral part of the action and to introduce her kids to the cause. Now she is missing everything that the Western world has to offer and wants to just be an armchair warrior. She will now plead that she and her children are victims of grooming. Her kids will be the tool used to gain sympathy with the do gooders and they will be back here in a warm cosy house with all benefit reinstated and no questions asked before we know it.

Artnsan, manchester
There will now be no shortage of other Muslims fighting to get her back, and of course the surrender freaks of the left, which goes without saying. You will not see an opposite view from any of the Muslim community either, as Islam trumps family, friends and nationhood. She will get back and of course, return with her spirit of entitlement and cultural expectation.

Richy 46, Nottingham, United Kingdom
We don't want em back them rebels should not have bothered risking there life's for idiots who thought life over there was better than what they had hahahahahahahahahahaha live buy the sword die buy the sword

Marion, Pererenan, Indonesia
She can stay where she wanted to be, don't let her come back to the UK.

JimArcher123, Leeds, United Kingdom
Allowing this family to return is madness. She is an enemy of the state. Let her carve a life out for herself in Turkey or wherever, but not in this country. I think we have sent more than our fair share of wrong messages out . Don't you ???

OMG, Middle England
I would rather one true refugee than you back! Not so hardcore were you?....and to all the hate preachers and radicals at university....go live in these places before you denounce the country that has kept you safe, given you security and an education!!!!!! She knew the risks of Britain rejecting her on the grounds of a potential terrorist before she went!

Oh what? No council housing? No benefits? No tax credits? And so she wants to come back?! Let her join the other 100,000 or so seeking asylum and wait her turn.

starvingUKpensioner, Manchester, United Kingdom
We don't want people who go off as traitors to join ISIS being allowed back into the UK or Europe. We don't care what sob story they have to tell. Why don't the politicians who we elect into office listen to us?

phil the bild, southampton
If she only wanted to persuade her husband to return to Uk, why did she take her 5 children with her ? I don´t believe a word of it, she had no intention of ever returning to UK, she thought she was going to live the "Muslim dream", just like ISIS promise on their web sites. This woman, her husband and any other person like them should never be allowed back into UK, they made their choice, let them live with it. Why should we have to tolerate so many radicalised Muslims in UK, if they hate us so much, let them move to an Islamic country, and stay there.

David, Norwich, Portugal
Missing her benefits more than enjoying life there?

David, Norwich, Portugal
If you want something from the state you should be chipped so you can authenticate yourself when you go in person to collect, each and every one to collect their own each week.

devils advocate 74, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Let her stay in her self inflicted hellhole full of rapists,phsycopaths.and sadists .This is the world she wished on us who have only ever treated her and her family with compassion and understanding .Let her stay in her world of Djinn's and flying carpets and only dream of whats she's lost and think about her vile betrayal of her family and adopted country

Amel9999, sydney, Australia
You know she'll be let back in right? and her welfare payments reinstated immediately.

lucylou, belfast, Ireland
If she's brought back who will support her and her 5 kids while her hubby carries on his activities of terror?? Don't tell me, let me guess, the BRITISH taxpayers!

Karensk8s, Sandy hook
Clearly the children had no say in what she was doing if they were under 16 so I would recommend we let the children come back and place them with a family known to have strong British values to help get the mothers clap trap out of their head. The woman knowingly put these children in harms way this would normally require the children to be removed. As for the woman she should be left over there or brought back and locked up. I have a place in the USA where I can bury the key

Mark, Durham UK
No, no, no. This woman should NOT be allowed to return to the UK. I for one would not trust her; only a fool would do so. She 'made her bed', let her lie in it. Also, what malign influence have her children been exposed to? It's time to think about the general population of the UK, instead of this 'bleeding heart' attitude.

Lauren, Australia
Please don't let her back. Please make an example for others not to bother to follow.

AllTheWorldsAStage, Planet Earth, United Kingdom
if i was a mother of 5 and my husband left me to join a cult which i had no interest in, i would not be dragging my children to his location to beg him to come home, i would believe that my children were far more important than a husband who abandons his family for ISIS.

Tesa, Sherborne, United Kingdom
Why would she think we want her back? The benefits for her and her five children, plus house of course have been a great saving in the scheme of things..... sorry but she has given up the right to live here 'on us'. Any one believe her story?

Bill Loni, Ipswich, United Kingdom
If she really only went there to persuade her husband to come home, she would not have taken her kids with her. Not buying her story. She now wants to come back to the UK and live off the taxpayer no doubt, but has she changed her extremist views or just saying what she thinks people want to hear.

Derek, Dublin, Ireland
The British people should demand she be kept out of Britain

sam, here
Right yes, like you take your 5 kids into a war zone. She was either a) naïve or b) a liar. Only one solution here: take the kids back and de-radicalise them, but not her Or if/when our pathetic government rolls out the red carpet for her return, a condition should be that she swears on their holy book to their imam that she denounces IS and fundamentalism.

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