- 20,000 migrants have entered Croatia since Hungary blocked route into EU
- Hungary has sent an armoured convoy to its southern border with Croatia
- Hungary has accused Croatia of committing violation of international lawZoran Milanovic said they would give them food before sending them on
- Zoran Milanovic said they would give them food before sending them on
Source : Send in the tanks
Tensions are mounting between Hungary and Croatia, after they have failed to come to an agreement over what to do with the tens of thousands of new-arrivals
The Hungarian army marches at the Hungarian-Croatian border
A crawling baby looks up at the police blockade as they wait for permission to pass the Turkish Greek border
A stampede occurs in Croatia as Middle Eastern refugees rush to find space on a train headed to the northeastern town of Beli Manastir
Netizens comment
The Chinster, Manchester, United Kingdom
I hope Merkel is proud of herself. That irresponsible statement about taking in 800000 refugees is causing chaos all over Europe. This is going to end very badly, and the blame lies right at Germany's door.
AR1, Crawley, United Kingdom
Angela Merkel reminds me of one of those teenagers who put an open invitation to a party on Facebook and are surprised at the result.
bessie smiths, Brighton, United Kingdom
We have signed petitions, emailed our MP and now we want to march to show our government that we do not want any of this lot entering the UK even if they have been issued passports from other EU countries. We want our borders closed now and every vehicle an container searched before it is let in to our country. I've met so many people that would be willing to volunteer and help at the borders. The army should be used too. We will be invaded unless we change and get out of Europe now. The money we save can be used to strengthen our borders and save the NHS!
Tanchosanke, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Mrs Merkel will be remembered in history as the woman who destroyed Europe!
jon42, Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Stop blaming Hungary and the Balkan states. This is all Merkel's fault with very misjudged invitation to all. (And then trying to dictate the rest of Europe has to take some)
angiekel, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Merkel is suddenly quiet
Redman, London, United Kingdom
Well done Germany. Destroying Europe since 1618.
all smoking mirrors, Dublin, Ireland
What have Germany to say about all this ?
Ihavetosay, Surrey, United Kingdom
A holy war is now inevitable due to the recklessness of Merkel, inviting millions of people into Europe which oppose any form of Western religion and culture. It's difficult to see anything else as Europe becomes overwhelmed by these people, due to its deliberate refusal to take any effective action.
eloracbmulp, Manchester, United Kingdom
Would somebody please tell me one thing.? If these people are really refugees (looking for a safe place)why didn't they stay in Turkey/ Greece/Macedonia/Serbia/Croatia/Hungary?. ALL SAFE PLACES. I didn't realise that being a refugee enabled you to PICK a country. If they get to Germany , and stay there MERCKELS standing in her country will disappear. If,once they've got their passports, they all try to get to the UK,what then? What will our illustrious leaders do then?
Lurch, Palma de Mallorca
The European dream is becoming nightmare thanks to Miss Merkel.
ã„´blitz, london, United Kingdom
There never was a European Dream; it was a Businessman's extortion racket.
ã„´ni.onest, peterborough, United Kingdom
Don't worry the EU will sort this out as Juncker wants to make migration "LEGAL"!!!! PLEASE GET OUR COUNTRY OUT OF THE EU QUICKLY. CAMERON WHERE IS OUR EU VOTE!!!!
Burbage, Redditch, United Kingdom
In the meantime the Italian coastguard has just 'rescued' 2500 more scroungers from the Med. Here's an idea, drop them back at the dump they arrived from. It wouldn't take long before the traffickers ran out of business.
delboy62, lakes, United Kingdom
Nigel farage, Solihull, United Kingdom
Hungry should not let them back through their boarders!
MIA, Leicester
And meanwhile in Leicester our votes for visas deputy mayor wants to house these migrants at the expense of our own citizens
MG Worcester., Worcester, United Kingdom
The left wing idiots didn't really think this through did they, no surprises there then.
macray, surrey
They should be stopped at the first Country of entrance and turned around this is getting out of hand and Hungary have taken the right stance. German PM should be sacked along with any other PM that does not enforce the law over economic immigrants which the majority of these are
Bestway, Space, United Kingdom
Why are the boats still getting through, they need to be stopped first
ã„´ni.onest, peterborough, United Kingdom
Ha ha ha the EU sent its navy to help the traffic smugglers.We all pay taxes to help this corrupt EU and it UNELECTED MAD UNACCOUNTABLE LEADERS!! Oh and we can't vote them out as they WERE NOT VOTED IN BY THE PEOPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
ã„´Yusufislam, cardiff, United Kingdom
The EU navy ARE the people smugglers now! They intercept the boats and then transport the passengers to Europe, safely and for free!
mistified, bristol
Crazy. wont be long before they are fighting Europeans in capital cities
ã„´Rosered1, Manchester, United Kingdom
You haven't seen the publics videos on you tube then? It is already happening. Also check what it happening in Sweden. You will not find any of it on our news channels
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