Title: Russia's largest ever Victory Day military parade in Red Square in Moscow
Author: ANGEL
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As people march through central Moscow, they hold aloft pictures of World War Two soldiers in remembrance President Vladimir Puti...

As people march through central Moscow, they hold aloft pictures of World War Two soldiers in remembrance

  • President Vladimir Putin held Russia's largest ever Victory Day military parade in Red Square in Moscow today
  • He used the event as a way to showcase Russia's military prowess including their formidable T-14 Armata tanks

Mil Mi-26 Halo helicopter fly over the Red Square during the Victory Day parade that was an exercise of strength for Putin's Russia

The V Day parade in Red Square, Moscow, is a chance for the country to showcase its formidable defensive powers

Thousands of people congregate in Moscow's Red Square to take part in the Immortal Regiment march during today's celebrations

Netizens comment

lily, UK, United Kingdom
We are forever in Russia's debt.

 ã„´GA, Plymouth, United Kingdom
Russia and Germany signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact on 24 Aug 1939, ... invaded Poland, bringing Russia into WW2 on 17 Sep 1939 on the side of Germany. They were Germany`s allies before the Germans turned on them and launched Operation Barbarossa against Russia on 22 Jun 1941. Then Russia turned to the west for help , I think the debt you are talking about is debatable.

 ã„´Lameduck, Birmingham, United Kingdom
GA, you need to read some history on WWII and another book on how politics works. It isn't all peaches and cream. Nations will do what is in their interest, selfishly even. That's the reality.

 ã„´David Kvaratskhelia, Tbilisi, Georgia
Don't forget other 11 countries who fought with Russia that time. I'm from Georgia and that time population of Georgia was 3.6 million and we lost 300.000 soldiers. You must thank to Soviet countries.

 ã„´Dave Trott, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
We're not, it was a war, we supported them, they supported us. Remember, if it wasn't for the convoys sent through the Atlantic with tanks and vehicles Russia would've perished.

 ã„´Lameduck, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dave Trott..........those convoys and the supplies they brought were helpful, but were hardly the be all and end all of the Soviet's war effort. Incidentally, 84% of Soviet tanks used in the war were their own. Lend Lease tanks from the UK and mainly USA made up the rest. Most of them were vastly inferior to the Soviet's T-34 and KV tanks. In other words, they weren't that much use really.

 ã„´KadenK, Gotham, United States
Stalin was Georgian, not Russian. Who's debt are you in?

Gary,, United Kingdom
Anyway a big thankyou to all the russian veterans and dead from the world wars.They had nothing to do with what is going on today so world leaders should have attended.They gave there lives.

 ã„´Copacetic, Dogpatch, United States
I agree. Russia was the ally of Great Britain and the united States in both World Wars. They suffered many millions of military deaths, and untold millions of civilian deaths. I wish peace, prosperity, and good responsible government for the people of Russia.

Agatha King, Toronto, Canada
Allies should attend the parade especially Angela Merkel...shame on you BRD. Politics should be forgotten for this historic Day of Victory over Germany in 1945! 27 million of Russian were killed and many other people all over the World...

Kacey, devon, United Kingdom
Putin paid tribute to all the fallen allies, but sulky western propagandists will not do the same. Shame on them. The EU's may-day pagan fest is all we can look forward to, and of course the UN's Nowruz, Persian annual festivities day.

Examinetheevidence, Notthemoralhighground, United Kingdom
Putin may be small in stature but our leaders are like pygmies in comparison....and disrespectful, spiteful and hypocritical ones to boot!

ovb, Moscow, United Kingdom
Majority of the guests obviously were from Asia. Looks like Russia is becoming a part of this growing new power. Good bye Europe

Truthteller, United Kingdom
Our leaders may reflect on the fact that Putin has the support of 80% of the populace. None of our leaders have anywhere near that much support.. Our leaders should put personal feeling aside and thank the Russian people for the sacrifices they made with us as allies. My personal thanks to all those Russians who supported us and lost loved ones and who fought alongside us.

Heart aches, Carlisle, United Kingdom
Without Russia's involvement in WW2 the outcome would of been very different they were very brave and courageous ! Maybe if we ask Mr Putin he would sort Isis out in a matter of weeks they won't pussyfoot around !

Me_Downunder, here_or_there, Australia
Well done Sir Nicholas Soames. We often seem to forget (or choose to forget) Russia's part in WW2 and also their suffering.

RobbRaw, Hammersmith London, United Kingdom
The western leaders blank Russia's VE remembrance, but our leaders Cameron and Blair fawn over despot eastern leaders when it suits. How's that morally right?

Gary,, United Kingdom
Anyway thankyou to all the russian veterans and dead from the world wars.They had nothing to do with what is going on today so world leaders should have attended.They gave there lives.

Serfs r us, Europe, Pitcairn
If it wasn't for Russia we would be speaking German

 ã„´Maxximus, Somewhere, United Kingdom
You dont know that, clearly you have no idea what the Allies were doing.

 ã„´Suomussalmi, Manchester, United Kingdom
If it wasn't for the Russians many European and Baltic countries would have been independent after WW2 and not had to wait for independence after the fall of the USSR.

Poppy Clarke, Croydon, United Kingdom
I'm old enough to remember the War and how grateful we were to the Russians who suffered so much more than we did. If it hadn't been for them we would have lost the War. The US only came in at the last minute and were not popular . We then had a massive propaganda campaign to paint the Russians as the bad guys and talk up the Americans. The US were terrified the massive swing to the left after the War would put at risk their capitalist plans. The anti union campaign by McCarthy was sucessful and the Americans lost their chance for a more equal society

pcfree, somerset, United Kingdom
I am so ashamed of the politicians that represent me here in the west, Russia honoured our dead why couldn't we reciprocate.

Poppy Clarke, Croydon, United Kingdom
I suspect that secretly many in this country wish we had a strong leader like Putin.He refused to support the rebels in Syria when Cameron wanted to help them, now we are finding out what Assad was up against. He refused to support the killing of Gadaffi or get involved in war against Sadam. Of course he stands up for the Russian people in the Ukraine, after all they voted overwhelmingly to be part of Russia. Ukraine is on their doorstep nothing to do with us or the US. Just imagine if Putin sent aid to those demonstrating against police brutality in the US Nato flies many patrols over the eastern EU border and then we complain if the Russians do the same. Our media is so biased but I think many are waking up to the propaganda

councilglasses, birmingham, United Kingdom
Russia saved us,they won WW2 not the yanks or English .I am ashamed of my country for not showing its respect to a country that lost countless millions so we could all be free

 ã„´Maxximus, Somewhere, United Kingdom
They shared Poland and invaded Finland. Gangsters fight each other you know.

Plain Jane, Paris, France
It's a total disgrace that the western leaders did not attend! This parade was not about Putin, whether they like him or not, it was about the almost 30 million Russians who died in WWII!

White Hat Man, Nomansland, United Kingdom
Soldiers of every nation aren't enemies, it's the politicians that make them so.

Dawg, Stoke, United Kingdom
No one an deny the bravery of the Russian/Soviet people they stopped the invader and made final victory possible.

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