Title: San Bernardino mass shooting: FBI probes possible terror ties
Author: ANGEL
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San Bernardino mass shooting: FBI probes possible terror ties Authorities investigating the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., say th...
San Bernardino mass shooting: FBI probes possible terror ties

Authorities investigating the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., say they have yet to determine a motive for the mass shooting that left 14 dead and 21 others wounded during a company holiday party at the Inland Regional Center on Wednesday. But law enforcement officials appear to be treating the attack as an act of terrorism.

Source: daily mail

The suspects — 28-year-old Syed Rizwan Farook

Netizen comment

UnSulliedIsBoss1025, New York City, United States
They have a 6 month old kid and go and do this. Unbelievable.

mclmrtn, Millinocket, United States
Stop trying to say this is a holiday party disagreement. No one has a disagreement at work and then goes home, grabs two friends, automatic assault rifles, pipe bombs, body armor, camo gear, tactical vests, GoPro cameras, to resolve an office dispute. This was clearly a planned attack by people who knew what they were doing.

Le Donk., Midwest, United States
Doesnt sound like anything was spontaneous about this one.

GavinM, Glasgow, United Kingdom
So this was a terrorist attack...

bill_m, Seattle, United States
Some of this may have been planned. One doesn't just get angry at a party and go home and builds a number of pipe bombs in a short space of time. They must have had a little stockpile at home waiting to be used.

British, Southend, United Kingdom
DEVOUT! At what Killing? Stupid remark

Goldsoundz, Truth Or Consequences NM, United States
So you are trying to tell me that these "people" felt disrespected and in the heat of the moment decided to snap. Conveniently at home they had tactical gear, pipe bombs, masks and a wide assortment of firearms at the ready. Riiiiight.

Kees, Sacramento, United States
I have voiced my opinion regarding this incident at another Daily Mail story...but, as a resident of California, I would like to thank the Daily Mail for supply the most comprehensive report I have yet seen on this matter. I am so tired of the managed news in the US...Thank you so much...

DontTreadOnMee, Clearwater, United States
And we are forced to let them in and be kind to them?

jr23, cape coral fl usa
this was not spurred by a workplace argument at a party, not with clothing and bombs involved

MyNameisTL87, Charleston, United States
Not an American to me. Sorry. This wasn't a random act. Who goes home last minute and says, "honey, let's go kill some people today!"

Guest000001, Old Pueblo, United States
It might be time to consider that Winston.Churchill was correct on the nature of this religion and the current leaders in the US and UK are wrong.

Michelle, Long-Beach_CA_USA
Other than the body count and location, surely this has more similarities to Paris than Sandy Hook. So the pinnacle response here is the same as for Sandy Hook,? How is that appropriate?

WYOMING21, BOSTON, United States
No workplace argument caused this....THEY had a bomb making lab in their home....Maybe they don't like Christians and a Christmas Party.....

HistoryFiend, Dayton, United States
They wore cameras? This was meant to be shown somewhere.

haradin, surfers paradise, Australia
Years of complacence and bad policies never forsaw this threat coming.The problem is not just in Syria.The problem is now within.

James William, Los Angeles, United States
I do give credit to DM for calling them Muslims. You won't see other mainstream media such as CNN using the term 'Muslims' to describe these attackers.

JENNY, chilliwack, Canada
God would never command his followers to murder innocent people.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Muslims cannot obey God. God's law says love works no ill to your neighbor. Islam is all about working ill to whoever and then lie about it. Muslims must think God is blind, deaf, and dumb.

